Prayer For Healing After Divorce

Lord of Unfailing Love, despite my children's faithfulness, and Your overwhelming presence, I feel alone. My devastation clouds my heart from goodness, and so I chase You passionately, Lord. Please bring my children and me to Your feet. Lead us to a community of Christ-followers who praise and grieve together. Help my children see the power of the Christian community. Through unity and under Your holy name, I have confidence we will heal. In Your precious name, Amen.

Compassionate Father, please grant me hope in this troubled time. Open my eyes to Your blessings, and the children You have given to me. For through them, I find joy and brilliance in this life. Open my heart to the depth of their goodness, their love, and their purity. I pray that my children and I can build a future of loyalty, togetherness, and hope. May our future days be filled with sunshine and Your love. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen.

Dear Lord, my Refuge, I believe in Your plan for my children. Please accompany them into the unknowns of the future. Please shape their pain of today into strength for tomorrow, and that this hardship will be a tool of power; so they can conquer and overcome anything. Remind them every day of the love that lives within them and around them. Breathe new life into their spirits. Please enrich their futures to be God-loving and magnificent. I pray this in Your holy name. Amen.

My Loving God, I'm beginning a new season of life. I am balancing the hurt of yesterday and the hope of tomorrow. Please heavenly Father, above all, open my heart as a parent. May my children see me as playful, loving, and faithful. May they see God through my loving actions. I pray that I show my children how hurt can deliver strength to the soul, and how glorious and restoring You are. Please comfort me as a parent. In Your name, Amen.

Praise You for Your faithfulness. We are often unable to remain committed to the ideals of our hearts on this earth, but You are able to uphold justice and righteousness throughout time. Our minds change and shift, but you remain constant. What we fail to understand, You already know. The path we fear, You have already paved. In the scramble to rearrange our lives after divorce, You seepurpose for all of our pain clearly.

Rather than wait for us to emerge on the other side of this pain, we know that those who have surrendered hearts to Jesus are never alone. Whether we are in physical pain, enduring the torture of heartbreak, or living in the sorrowful mess we've created, You remain.

Thank You, Father, for the joys of our wedding day, and the hope that we held onto so dearly as time began to drift by. We gratefully look upon another day, but with the silent haunting wonder why marriage failed.

Time is rushing by and we are thankful, even for these broken minutes. You are capable of working miracles with fractured hours, and we praise You for assuring us that Your divine purpose for our lives has not been lost in what we see as a catastrophic end to all hope that our lives can be used for good.

God, You are good. Heaven sings of hope that springs from tragedy and loss. When we follow Jesus, we never suffer in vain. Hallelujah! There will be life again. Thank You, Jesus, for hope.

Forgive us for our part in this divorce. Where two people are joined together, their imperfections meet; for no one can boast perfection on this earth. Whether we own the mistake that sent our marriage tumbling off course, or have yet to understand why we've been abandoned, we ask Your forgiveness today. For the seen and invisible mistakes, the individual strongholds of sin, the battle for love that has been lost, we ask Your divine and all-knowing forgiveness.

Convict our hearts and change us from the inside out as a result of this divorce. Hear our confession, and forgive our disobedience in ending what You joined forever. Help us to forgive ourselves, for marriage is never a guarantee. Though some are ready to label our mistake, our tragedy, our misfortuneYou are not. Shame and guilt do not sprout from You. Help us to discern the voices of those reaching out to help us, and to hear Yours above all othersincluding our own.

Bless and heal our hearts, Father. Mold them and make them more like Jesus' everyday. Inspire us with Your Word, and reveal Your love and character to us like never before. Show us what to do with the shambles of broken marital promises. Teach us how that can be used for good. We can love someone specifically because of the pain we've endured and the mistakes we've made. Remove the focus of each day from our own grieving hearts, and help us take new steps each day to reach out to others coming alongside and up behind us out of similar situations. As we reach out, our hearts will heal.

God places people around us specifically, but we often miss them because we're watching for how they can help us, listening for advice and focused inward on our grief. When we start to listen to the stories that surround us, God remolds, heals, and restores us.

We are promised that this world will be painful. No one walks down the aisle on their wedding day with the prospect of divorce on the horizon. Yet, it has become a part of our broken world.

This side of heaven we will suffer from the consequence of our sin, but we may also suffer in very Job-like ways. He did nothing to deserve his immense suffering, yet his friends remained convinced otherwise. Divorce has a way of attracting opinions, when all we need is love. Test every piece of advice and consolation with God's Word. He is our Comforter and our Healer. Because of Jesus, our Savior, we are forgiven even when it's our fault. Help us, Father, to forgive ourselves, turn from our sin, and bear witness of Your love in our lives.

In Jesus' Name,

O loving and creating God, bless families hurting with the pain of separation and divorce. We know that when two people are married, they mean it for life. Yet, at times, with some people, and in some very complex situations, it just doesn't happen that way.

Give peace and courage to all who have experienced the disruption caused by divorce or separation. Help them to accept their feelings of rejection, loneliness and grief.

Help them, above all, to believe in Your presence, and to believe in the Church as a source of strength and compassion.

Help all of us to be sensitive to emotional, spiritual and physical needs of children who have divorced or separated parents. Enable us to reach out in love. May our priests be aware of the pain of separated and divorced parishioners and always welcome them in parish spiritual and social activities.

Especially we pray, O God, that as we continue to recognize Jesus in the "breaking of the bread", we will carry Jesus with us and reach out to all our separated and divorced families with love, compassion and understanding. Amen.

Lord, today I come to you with a broken heart. My relationship has ended with my spouse. I never thought it would happen to me. It seemed to happen to others but I never dreamed I would be there one day. Lord, today I offer you all the broken pieces of my heart, my soul, my body and my mind.

Lord, I feel tired, hurt, angry, bitter and confused. Please take me in your arms and rock me like a baby. Soothe my heart, heal my mind and emotions. Lord, please touch every part of me that aches. Bathe me in your Balm of Gilead. Let your healing touch flow to the inner most part of my wounds. Don't let this anger and bitterness grow. Replace them with joy, peace and comfort.

Lord, it is so hard for me to trust. But Lord, you have never left me, betrayed me or forsaken me. In time Lord, help me to begin to trust others. Send people into my life that will honor me, encourage me and help me walk this new path that I am on. Be the Lover of my soul. Be my friend. Be my hope. Be my strength. Be my sustenance. Be my daily bread. When I am alone, comfort me. When I am tired, strengthen me. When I am hurting, heal me.

Lord, I cannot forgive. A part of me doesn't want to. But Lord I ask that you would forgive my ex-spouse through me. I allow your love and forgiveness to flow through me. I am willing to be a channel of your mercy and grace. Lord, you know my needs physical, financial and spiritual. Give me all the riches of you. Let me never feel empty.

In Jesus name I pray.

Father, I belong to you.
I place myself anew in your hands
and acknowledge you as Master and Lord of my life.
Grant me the gift of a forgiving heart
and cleanse me of any anger,
hostility or revenge.
Heal my hurts and wounds and teach me to rely on your love.
Grant me wisdom of heart
and strengthen me by your grace to move on in faith,
in trust and in love.
Thank you Lrod for you love in my life.
