Prayer For Good Health News

My Lord of Loving Devotion, I am so nervous about these test results. Please deliver me from these deep waters of anxiety. I know that worrying will not add a single day to my life. Please come to my aid now and cover me with Your peace that passes understanding. Help me to turn all my anxieties over to You, for You are always with me. Help me to rest in You. Amen.

God my Healer, as I'm awaiting the results of this lab work, I ask in the Name of Jesus that I receive a positive report. You know that I have been leaning in on You for full and complete healing of this problem, and I am standing on Your Word in this matter. My eyes look to You in hope and love, waiting for Your deliverance. Amen.

Dear God if i have sinned, kindly forgive me. i do have faith and also plead with you that you help me. God i am praying for good lab results tomorrow. this will only be possible throu Christ our Lord who I do believe in

i am also praying for my sons examination also tomorrow

God i am begging you. please I will continue to serve and worship you.
Please answer my prayers. this i ask through Christ our Lord Jesus Christ . Amen

Dear Lord please bless my family
With good health and peace of mind
Please bless all of them
So that they never be deprived
Lord bless them so that they give their best
Lord bless them in every phase of life
Keep them safe and sound
Is my only appeal to you
In this special payer that I make
This way standing in front of you
Bless them and keep them healthy

May God heal you of your mental health
And your physical health stays fine
May you be emotionally fit
And may you always shine
Today in my special prayer
I ask the Lord to keep you fit
So that you do things alike
So that you do what you like in life,
Things will be as you are
I ask the Lord you shine bright
And always stay healthy in your life
Oh Lord please bless!

Father Above, I pray before You today seeking strength and wellbeing. I pray that You grant me the strength to power through my days and health, to last a lifetime. Lord, I will not go sick neither will I tire, and throughout the days of my life, it is You that will be worshipped by me. I thank You for the blessings Oh Lord, and In Jesus Name I Pray, Amen.

Father God,

Come enfold me, heart, mind, body and soul. I feel so scared that the health test will bring bad news. I need your presence. Please come Holy Spirit. I know that your love for me displayed through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, is enough to hold me. You are with me, I am safe with you and you dwell within me.

Thank you Lord.


As I wait, I rest in you, I lean into your grace, I pull up the covers of love and I lay my head on the pillow of your hope.

I pray for good news, yet I shelter in this place,
For under your Almighty presence I know that I am safe.
Thank you that no matter what the outcome may be, you promise peace.
