Prayer For Forgiveness And Blessings

Heavenly Father, i know i have uttered words that hurt people, especially my family. I lift up to you Lord,myself today and everyday. Guide me in my struggle and for healing and forgiveness. I really regret what i have done. Please forgive me. I also pray that You bless my sister. Soften her heart that she may also forgive me. Grant me also the grace to forgive whatever misgiving she has. Grant this through Christ Jesus. Amen!

Heavenly Father, i know i have uttered words that hurt people, especially my family. I lift up to you Lord,myself today and everyday. Guide me in my struggle and for healing and forgiveness. I really regret what i have done. Please forgive me. I also pray that You bless my sister. Soften her heart that she may also forgive me. Grant me also the grace to forgive whatever misgiving she has. Grant this through Christ Jesus. Amen!

Heavenly Father I come before thy presence glorifying thy name. Thank you God for this favorbrought to me. Its not by my own protection but your grace. Lord God i am sinner and have done so many things I'm not worthy. Have pity on me and forgive me. Help me to have a kind heart of forgiveness so that i may be able to have peace in my life .Dear Lord i commit my parents onto thy eyes bless them, ooh Lord give them more days here on earth. Bless my sister my brother and my niece meet them at their points of need , forgive them their sins and give them peace of mind. For it is in Jesus name I do pray and believe. Amen

Dear heavenly father, i am a sinner and i ask that you forgive me, lord i need you every moment in my life,i ask that you bless me and allow healing in my marriage, I ask that you forgive and allow for a restoration of what you sanctified as a holy covenant. I pray for a fresh anointing upon my career , finances and my work, I as that you reveal yourself to me and allow me to be a vessels for your word and kingdom. Lord God I pray for a deliverance and redemption of children. Please help me draw closer to you than to falter by being judgmental. Allow for your purpose in my life to be fulfilled, Lord bless my family and friends and allow them to become your kingdom warriors.

Dear God please accept my prayer I am a sinner my husband has not done anything wrong he was just serving his family bringing food for his children is not a sin I know the way he went was wrong. He is sorry for it please God forgive him and bring him out from jail in to his family. I beg you Lord to forgive us our sins and show us the correct way. In your precious name I ask you for your blessings and love.

Heavenly father,I come before you Lord to humbly ask for your forgiveness in all the wrongs I have done without realising for any hurt I may have caused for being impatient and selfis for only thinking of myself. Lord of all mercy I ask you to renew in me all that is good show me the way to serve others. Merciful Lord I ask you for your blessings on my family help them as they go about their daily business give them strength and please Lord keep them safe. Have mercy on us all dear Lord,this I ask in your precious name.Amen

Lord Jesus, I heartly ask You to please forgive my sins and open the paths of happiness, healing, blessings of finance. I repent of my sins Lord Jesus and I promise I will never do such sins any longer. Please forgive me Lord Jesus.

Dear Lord, I thank You for the power of forgiveness, and I choose to forgive everyone who has hurt me. Help me set [name anyone who has offended you] free and release them to You [Romans 12:19]. Help me bless those who have hurt me [Romans 12:14]. Help me walk in righteousness, peace, and joy, demonstrating Your life here on earth. I choose to be kind and compassionate, forgiving others, just as You forgave me [Ephesians 4:32]. In Jesus' name, amen.