Prayer For Football Players

Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You for each and every player on this team. Thank You for the gifts that You have given them. I pray that they would exercise those gifts today with great skill. Give them speed, smarts, and above all, safety. Keep each and every one of them from injury. Thank You, Lord, that they get to play this game today. Amen.

Our team
Which art eleven
Hallowed be thy game
Our match be won
Their score be none
On turf as we score at least seven
Give us today no daily red card
And forgive us our lost passes
As we forgive those Who lose passes against us
Lead us not into retaliation
And deliver us from penalties
For three is the kick off
The power and scorer
For ever and ever
Full time

Dear Lord,
in the battles we go through life
We ask for a chance that's fair
A chance to equal our strides
A chance to do or dare
If we should win
Let it be by the code
With faith and honor held high
If we should lose
Let us stand by the road
And cheer as the winners go by
Day by day!
We get better and better!
Till we can't be beat!
Won't be beat!!!!!

Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever.

You can pray with this prayer, too. And just as with Gordon, this kind of praying can change things for you. One line in the prayer talks about how God's will is done in earth as it is in heaven. God helps us right where we are, with everyday problems.

When you pray this prayer and are sure that God is good and powerful and that you're with God, you feel loved and cared for by God. Then you actually see that God's good is all around you. Things change in your life.

God answers our prayers and takes care of us because He loves us.

Our Master taught his disciples

one brief prayer, which we name after him the Lord's Prayer.

Our Master said, "After this manner therefore pray ye,"

and then he gave that prayer

which covers all human needs.

Dear God,

Thank you for this new day.
It is such a privilege and a blessing to play football.
Please fill us with energy and passion as we push ourselves to do well.
Help us all to compete with fairness in our hearts and minds and give us the grace to accept success or defeat.
Protect our health and bodies as we challenge, tackle and run today.
Watch over all those present, the spectators young and old, and our nearest and dearest families.
May this game celebrate sport, and be enjoyable for everyone.


Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You for each and every player on this team. Thank You for the gifts that You have given them. I pray that they would exercise those gifts today with great skill. Give them speed, smarts, and above all, safety. Keep each and every one of them from injury. Thank You, Lord, that they get to play this game today. Amen.

Dear Lord, I know that all things are from You and through You and for You. I know all things from You are to be received with a glad and thankful heart. The Football team is no exception, and so I thank You, Lord, for this good game which gives me the chance to run and sweat and work. I thank You that it teaches me how to work toward something beyond myself and how to be a trustworthy teammate. Lord, I praise You for the gift of football. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen.

O God,

Our team is built upon good foundations of love, respect, trust and excellence. Remind us as we play today that our squad is strong, our brotherhood united and our club spirit is one of truth and love.

May we work together to be the best we can be, to play fairly and to respect every player in the game.

Thank You for watching over us. Keep us all safe and guard us from injury. Lord, whether we win or lose today, may Your love triumph over all.

In Jesus name.
