Prayer For Financial Abundance

Almighty and Everlasting God, so many ask for wealth for its own sake. Their reward is in the money itself. Mammon is their only God. I ask You for wealth, not for my gain, but that I may use it to bless others. Therefore, I petition You to increase my means of earning. Help me to bring in more, so that through You this money may be used to help others in Your name. Amen.

Heavenly Father
In the Precious Name of Jesus
I come before your throne
To pray your Holy Word over my finances

According to Philippians 4:13, I believe that I can do anything through Christ that is my strength

And therefore According to Deuteronomy 8:18, I pray for you to give me the ability to produce wealth

According to Luke 6:38, Lord pour into my lap a good measure, pressed down, shaken together and that is running over. Give me Lord more than I can hold.

According to Malachi 3:10, Father open the floodgates of heaven, let your blessings pour so that I may have more than enough of everything.

According to Philippians 4:19, Lord, meet all my needs according to the riches of Your glory in Jesus.

Lord, release all financial blessings according to your will in my life and my household.

I believe, I trust and
I wait on you Lord.


Holy Father in Heaven
Here I am before your throne
of grace and mercy

You promised in your Word
to take care of your children
Jesus, you said that our Father
feeds the birds and cloths
the lilies of the field
You said to not worry,
because we are of more
value than they are
You said that Father would
provide and supply all our needs
And to ask and
it shall be given to us

That's why, here I am, Lord
In great need of money
to pay my bills and
put food on the table

I ask you for divine
intervention over my finances
Provide an opportunity for me
to get the money I need
Send someone my way to
bless me financially
Or give me an idea on how to
make the money I need
as soon as possible

Father, please hear my plea
and don't delay in answering my prayer
I need you Lord more than ever

In the Holy Name of Jesus,
I pray, Amen!

Dear God the Father, I praise and glorify you. I pray that You help me in my studies. I know that You want me, Your child, to prosper in all my endeavors.

Give me Your knowledge and wisdom as I study for my lessons and exams. Let me learn my lessons properly and understand them completely. I pray that I overcome all my academic weaknesses. Take control of my thoughts.

Bless me with this, O Lord, for your greater glory. Let me be a blessing to my family that I love so much. I thank You in advance for answering my prayer.

In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

My Loving Father, I cast all my worries upon You. I have so much anxiety and fear in my heart about this new job I have. Fill my heart with the desire to do great things and bless the work of my hands. I completely trust You and have deep faith in You.

Let all that I do be pleasing to you. Grant me wisdom and knowledge that I may do what is good and true in all the days of my life. Let me feel Your might presence, dear God, as I give You my praise and thanks.


Dear God,

Thank you so much for all you have given me. I am so happy and grateful for the abundance I already have. You amaze me with your love, blessings and rewards we receive everyday without even asking or realizing what we are receiving.

Father, I give you my life and today surrender all my financial concerns to you. I already know that you have told me I do not need to worry or have fears about anything. You have already told us that you take care of everything and we just need to trust and have faith.

I completely trust that my finances and debts will be paid and I will have a constant flow of money in my life starting today.

I only think of the positive now never looking at the past. I believe that my prosperity is here and I thank you for it now. I also want to thank you for showing me how to handle my finances carefully and also for teaching me how my prosperity can be of help to your kingdom.

Father, thank you for all your great rewards! I will continue to work diligently and strive to do my best in all that I do.

Thank you God, Amen.

O Beloved God, Salutations and Greetings!

I approach you as your child and your own creation.

With a pure heart I ask for your divine grace.

Please shower on me abundance of money from your infinite source on a regular basis.

Your ways are innumerable and methods beyond my comprehension. Hence it is best that I leave to you the timings and sources through which you send the money and riches.

Whatever you do I trust that it is for my highest good.

With full faith in you and your miraculous ways, I open my body, mind and soul to receiving your gift of financial wealth and riches.

I pledge to use the money for my good and good of others.

God's will be done! Thank You


From The Light of God that I am.
From The Love of God that I am.
From The Power of God that I am.
From The Heart of God that I am.
I Decree-
I dwell in the midst of Infinite Abundance.
The Abundance of God is my Infinite Source.
The River of Life never stops flowing and it flows through me with lavish expression.
Good comes to me through unexpected avenues and God works in a myriad of ways to bless me.
I now open my mind to receive my good.
Nothing is too good to be true.
Nothing is too wonderful to have happen.
With God as my Source nothing amazes me.
I am not burdened by thoughts of past or future. One is gone. The other is yet to come.
By the power of my belief, coupled with my purposeful fearless actions and my deep rapport with God, my future is created and my abundance made manifest.
I ask and accept that I am lifted in this and every moment into Higher Truth. My mind is quiet.
From this day forward I give freely and fearlessly into Life and Life gives back to me with a fabulous increase. Blessings come in expected and unexpected ways. God provides for me in wondrous ways for the work that I do.
I AM indeed grateful.
And so it is.