Prayer For Father

King of Kings, I declare that You will be the source that my father turns to in times of counsel and guidance. Lord, You are faithful, even in times when my father (and I) has been faithless, for You cannot disown Yourself. I thank You for this word of encouragement; Lord, give my father the strength to remain faithful to You for You are good. Lord, You are the best source of counsel and guidance because You have his best interests at heart, Amen.

Wonderful Counselor, You commanded the Israelites not to be terrified, not to be afraid. The Word also says that You went before them, fought for them as You did in Egypt, before their very eyes, and in the wilderness. Lord, You carried them, as my father carried me as a child, all the way until we had reached. I pray that You continue to cover father so that he will also remember to not be afraid, Amen.

Oh Majesty, please give me father strength to endure hardship as discipline, I know that the hardship is You treating him as a son. For what son is not disciplined by his father? I know that You love my father and are continually shaping him to be the person that You have called him to be. Father, I pray that as I too grow older, I will not be content with where I am, but will seek Your discipline so that I may be a better person than I was before, Amen.

Righteous God, I proclaim that my father shall put on the full armor of You so that he can make a stand against the devil's schemes. For the struggle is not against flesh and blood, against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. I declare that my father shall be equipped to stand his ground because he shall be covered in the full armor of You, Amen.

God of Wisdom, I thank You for the life of my earthly father because he taught me so many good things that have equipped me to survive in this life. Your word says that a father deals with his own children by encouraging, comforting and urging them to live lives worthy of God, who calls us to His kingdom and glory. Lord, I thank You for blessing me with a father who has kept Your word and has positively impacted my life, Amen.

God of Strength, I pray that my father remains on the path of integrity so that he may walk securely, because whoever takes crooked paths will be found out. I pray that my father never finds his way on a crooked path. Instead, keep him and direct him on the path of righteousness. Lord, it isn't easy to remain honest and pure in such a corrupt world, but I thank You in advance for my father who remains true to You and Your word, Amen.

Divine Father, I can sense that my father lacks strength right now so please uplift his spirit! I proclaim that You are his refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore, he will not fear, because Your name is a strong tower; in You, he can find rest and be safe. Lord, please keep my father under Your loving eye so that he will no longer grieve but will have joy in You, his strength, Amen.

I thank you for the gift of my family
for whom I now pray
and upon whom I now ask you
to shower your blessings.
With St. Joseph as my guide,
may I always be ready
to spend my life for them.
Bless my wife whom you have given to me as my spouse,
sharing in your wondrous work of creation.
May I see her as my equal
and treat her with the love of Christ for his Church.
May Mary be her guide
and help her to find your peace and your grace.
Bless my children with your life and presence.
May the example of your son
be the foundation upon which
their lives are built,
that the Gospel may always
be their hope and support.
I ask you, Father, to protect and bless my family.
Watch over it so that in the strength of your love
its members may enjoy prosperity,
possess the gift of your peace and,
as the Church alive in this home,
always bear witness to your glory in the world.