Prayer For Difficult Situation

Our Father, we believe in the power of the blood of Jesus Christ and that by Your stripes we are healed. So, we thank you that our hope and trust for healing is in You. So right now, by your authority and power, will you heal (person's name), so that they can experience Your peace that surpasses all understanding; the peace that guards our hearts and minds in Jesus Name Thank You Father!

Heavenly Father, we pray for those who are imprisoned by an increasing burden of debts and cannot see a way out. Holy Spirit, You are an enabler and therefore, with You it is possible for those who are bound by their debts to be set free in Jesus Name. Father, give every person hope and strength to tackle challenging situations and faith the size of a mustard seed. As they cry out to You, in their distress, will you hear their petition and give strength, as they put their hope and confidence in You, Amen.

Oh loving St. Jude, I pray to you who are close to our heavenly father to cause me a miracle to get out of a very difficult situation, of which could have devistating and embarrassing consequences.

I ask of you, and our father so much, and here I am asking of you more. May you please bless upon me again a miracle.

May my situation be amicably resolved this week, so that we may all move on, and continue to serve our father. Please St. Jude I beg of you to help me, I beg of you, please.

Heavenly Father,

Your Word

equips me


conquer every obstacle,

move through

every difficult situation,


overcome every evil ploy

of the forces of darkness.


Dear Lord,

I come before you today in prayer.

I have decided to lay all my thoughts before you.

By faith, I release all of them to you as I stand transparent in your presence.

Guide my thoughts

as they come tumbling out of me

and as they


a resting place at the foot of the cross.

Hear the cries of help among the cries of confusion, frustration, fear, and anxiety.

Make plentiful your thoughts of mercy and compassion toward me.

Make straight my path and guide my steps so that I follow you closely.

Deliver me from this difficult situation.

Teach me how to overcome the temptations that I face.

Enable me to come through this difficult situation

looking like Christ,

being a Champion for Christ,


having a testimony of

Victory in Christ.

I dedicate this day - and each day - to you.

Show me how to follow through on my commitment to you.

In the POWERFUL and MIRACULOUS name of Jesus Christ,

I pray,


Father, you gave your only son to die on the cross so that I can be saved. You've promised to be with me in all circumstances. What else won't you do for me? My trying moments are nothing before you because I have overcome them already by faith. You are my strength. You are a faithful Father. My heart rejoices in your love. Amen.

Heavenly Father, My heart is troubled. I cry out for your help. Help me through these difficulties for you understand my struggles. Let your mighty hand work things out for me, Lord. You are my source of strength, I can't do it on my own. Let your angels watch over me every step of the way. My enemies are waiting for me to fall but with you, I know that I can stand. My trust is in you. Amen.