Prayer For Departing Pastor

Our Father who is in heaven, Holy is your name. Lord, I thank you for your righteousness, strength, and wisdom. Lord, I know that you have called every single one of your children for a specific purpose and that you have graced them to walk in that purpose. Father right now, I lift up my pastors. God, I thank you for the vision that you have given them for our church. I thank you that I get to be part of the community in which you are building. I ask that you send your angels to cover and protect my leadership. Give them strength, power, and understanding to teach your Word and to do so in a way that drives religion out and brings relationship with you back as the center point.

God, I pray that my pastors would operate in wisdom when it comes to counseling and assisting your people. Give them wisdom the way you gave Solomon wisdom, so that they would know how to lead your people justly and rightly. Lord, surround them with relationships with people they can trust and can be accountable to. Surround them with people to encourage them in your way. Lord, we know that pastoring is not an easy endeavor, so, grace them all the more to do the work of the ministry for which you have called them.

God, give them peace, strength, and let a refreshing fall over their hearts so that they can continue to go forth in your power and might. Finally, Lord, give them clear direction and revelation about the direction for this church. Protect them from those who would desire to harm them and steer them off course. Give them sharp discernment. Flow prophetically through them Lord, so that your Holy Spirit would make manifest the glory of God in their lives, in their relationships, and in the church that you are leading them to raise up.

God, thank you for my pastors and the sacrifice that they give for my spiritual growth and maturity. I love and honor my leadership Father. Thank you for leading me to them. In Jesus name I pray, amen!

Lord Jesus, Word Made Flesh,
from the beginning of creation
you named and claimed us for yourself.
Look with kindness upon your servant, N.,
who leaves this community,
marked by your cross, fed by your word,
filled with our care, and sent to be your presence
to all she/he meets.
Guide her/him on the way,
and bless her/him with your wisdom,
that she/he may be a word of hope for a world in need.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

And may the Lord bless us, protect us from all evil,
and bring us to everlasting life. Amen.