Prayer For Child Going To College

Dear Lord, I pray for my child who is stepping into a new season on a new college campus this year. I pray You will help him with all of the logistics of getting classes, meeting professors, setting up financial aid and getting moved into housing. Surround him with friends who will challenge him to walk more closely with You and guide him to a church where he can serve you while at college. Help him to work hard, to study well and to use this time to develop skills and gifts for Your purposes. As he encounters new challenges, help him love You with his whole heart. As he hears different philosophies, help him love you with his whole mind. As the enemy prowls around tempting him with all manner of worldliness, help him love You with all his strength. Give him courage to follow hard after You and to glorify You where You've placed him. In Jesus' name, amen.

Lord, you have made the eye for your purposes. With wisdom you beautifully knit each one. May my child guard their eyes well. I pray they'll grab wisdom, allowing it to filter what they choose to see and not see. May understanding lead their focus, causing them to turn from situations formatted by darkness. May they, instead, allow the light of your Word to filter their sight concerning friends, dates, movies, educational content, and any situation in which their eyes are involved. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Lord, you've given my student the ability to communicate, and it is good. May their words be acceptable in your sight. When they attempt to muffle or stuff words out of fear or uncertainty, may they be brave and allow godly communication its opportunity. When they face a tough conversation, I pray they persevere, continuing to trust you. Most importantly, Lord, may my young woman/man communicate with you on a regular basis. I pray they seek you and nourish a desire to hear your voice daily. In Jesus' name, amen.

Father, thank you for my student. This life you've woven in them is wonderful. During this school year, whether it's in the dorm adjusting to their roommates, standing on the marching band or athletic field, sitting in a classroom, or staring at their homework, may my student park their thoughts on you. Protect my child against self-harm, failure, depression, and laziness. Surround them with your truth concerning drugs, alcohol, sex, and faith. Close the door on blame, bad-mouthing, judgment, and condemnation. May they consider and cherish, instead, what is true, allowing your perfect love to cast out all fear. May they dwell on all that's honorable, just, pure, and lovely. May he/she toss aside the bad, clinging to the good especially when it comes to relationships and their future with you. May virtue and praise echo in their mind and be reflected in their words and actions. In Jesus' name, amen.

God of life and love, you have given me this child to care for this little while.

My heart is welled with joy and thanksgiving, anticipation and anxiety, amidst a longing to be together as we have been till now.

These years of growing up have moved so quickly, so many things left undone, so much left unsaid, so much I still hope to give to my child who is taking this new step in the journey of life.

Help us as we reshape our lives to reflect this new reality of college. Show us new ways to be present to each other in love and in trust. Give me patience and help me to remember that my child is establishing new routines in freedom, routines different from my routines.

Calm my fears. Strengthen and protect my child in the midst of the challenges and temptations which surround all students. Grant greater courage that I myself may have had in standing for your truth against compromises of faith.

Provide good friends and worthy confidants for my child during these college years. Help me to give support and confidence, to discern how I am needed now, and to pass on, in my love, a measure of the strength and courage you have given me in the gift of parenting.

Lord, you have made the eye for your purposes. With wisdom you beautifully knit each one. May my child guard their eyes well. I pray they'll grab wisdom, allowing it to filter what they choose to see and not see. May understanding lead their focus, causing them to turn from situations formatted by darkness. May they, instead, allow the light of your Word to filter their sight concerning friends, dates, movies, educational content, and any situation in which their eyes are involved. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Lord, you've given my student the ability to communicate, and it is good. May their words be acceptable in your sight. When they attempt to muffle or stuff words out of fear or uncertainty, may they be brave and allow godly communication its opportunity. When they face a tough conversation, I pray they persevere, continuing to trust you. Most importantly, Lord, may my young woman/man communicate with you on a regular basis. I pray they seek you and nourish a desire to hear your voice daily. In Jesus' name, amen.

Father, thank you for my student. This life you've woven in them is wonderful. During this school year, whether it's in the dorm adjusting to their roommates, standing on the marching band or athletic field, sitting in a classroom, or staring at their homework, may my student park their thoughts on you. Protect my child against self-harm, failure, depression, and laziness. Surround them with your truth concerning drugs, alcohol, sex, and faith. Close the door on blame, bad-mouthing, judgment, and condemnation. May they consider and cherish, instead, what is true, allowing your perfect love to cast out all fear. May they dwell on all that's honorable, just, pure, and lovely. May he/she toss aside the bad, clinging to the good especially when it comes to relationships and their future with you. May virtue and praise echo in their mind and be reflected in their words and actions. In Jesus' name, amen.