Prayer For Child Abuse

Lord, we know You love Your children, and we pray that when they must work, that You would protect children's growing bodies. Please keep them safe and free of injuries and toxins. Deliver them from oppressive bosses and hazardous conditions. Make it possible from children at risk to stay in school.

Lord, You are our provider, and we know all good things come from Your hand. Help families to find reliable incomes so children don't have to work. We pray that laws and cultural practices would help protect children from a childhood of abuse and suffering.

Dear Lord, Your Word calls us to hunger and thirst for righteousness a righteousness that leads to compassion for the poor and a renewing of minds. Lead us to this kind of faith that works to make a better world for all Your children.

Lord, chaos and fear cripple communities overrun by gang violence. Thank You so much for the gift of Your Son. Through Him, we truly become a new creation. We claim Jesus' blessing for peacemakers in Matthew 5:9. Help young people see themselves the way You see them, so they can help bring peace and hope to other people's lives.

Lord, we know You love Your children, and we pray that when they must work, that You would protect children's growing bodies. Please keep them safe and free of injuries and toxins. Deliver them from oppressive bosses and hazardous conditions. Make it possible from children at risk to stay in school.

Dear Lord, Your Word calls us to hunger and thirst for righteousness a righteousness that leads to compassion for the poor and a renewing of minds. Lead us to this kind of faith that works to make a better world for all Your children.

Dear Lord, Your Word is filled with accounts of miraculous protection. We claim that power for vulnerable children. Make Your little ones invisible to people who seek to exploit them. Raise up communities and governments that will protect children and bring criminals to justice.

Dear God, there are times when it is right and righteous to be angry. It is right to be angry about people who exploit children. Let that righteous anger fuel action, Lord. Don't let it fade into complacency.