Prayer For Camping

Father God, we know You are with those who are persecuted. We pray Your Spirit will continue to rest on them as they endure persecution and that they would be delivered from the hand of their enemy. Your grace is sufficient for everything they need. May their lives and the sacrifices they make be a testimony to those who do not know You as Lord and Savior and may many come to know You because of it. Help us to pray for those who persecute Your Church, to bless them and not curse them. God, we pray You will remove the scales from their eyes so they may come to know Your saving Grace. We pray this in Jesus' Name.

God, we pray for our prophetic presbytery team. Thank You, for the prophetic words that will be shared. We pray for everyone ministered to during this time and that they will receive Your Word as confirmation, strength, encouragement, and comfort. Continue to use them in ways they could never imagine. We pray that Your Word will be a right now word, to which, they can hold and stand on to build them up. Thank You that Your promises over us are Yes and Amen. We receive it, in Jesus' name.

Father, we pray for a sweet time of worship while we pursue You at Encounter! We pray for Heidi Williams and the rest of the worship band as they prepare, and that Your Holy Spirit will lead and operate freely through them in every song. We pray for their voices, sound equipment, instruments, mics, and everything needed to operate as planned. As we come together as one body, we pray that everyone will be in one accord, worshiping You in spirit and in truth. Lord, we pray You will consume us with Your love and joy, for Your joy is our strength! In Your Presence sorrow and depression will disappear and we will be filled with joy and gladness, in Jesus' name.

Lord, we pray for everyone that will be at Encounter to know You as Lord and Savior. There may be some who felt pressured to come and have no desire to be there on their own. God, we pray they will encounter You in such a way that their eyes will be opened to see You for who You are- King of Kings and Lord of Lords; touch their hearts and minds so they are changed forever. We pray for complete deliverance to go forth from every stronghold, sin, imagination and high thing that tries to exalt itself against the knowledge of You. May every thought be brought captive unto the obedience of Christ. And God, we praise You now for complete healing, mind, body, and spirit for Your Glory! In Jesus' name.

Heavenly Father, we pray that You will do a new thing within us all at camp this year!! From the worship, to The Word spoken over us, and to the prayers that will go out, God have Your way. Help us to yield to Your Spirit and as You move, we will move with You. May everything be done for Your Glory! Create rivers in the dry wastelands in our lives and make a pathway through the wilderness we face, so that Your called and chosen will be refreshed. God, please place in us a heart of expectancy for breakthroughs, healing, deliverance, lives to be completely changed, and eyes opened to the truth of Your Word. Lord, we expect You to do a new thing, in Jesus' name!!!

God, You have called us to be one as You are one with Jesus and The Holy Spirit. God help us to come together, in unity, serving one another in love and bringing You Glory. Oh how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!
Let us pray for this camp to be an awakening of God's intended plan for His Church and for The Holy Spirit to move mightily on us as we gather together in one accord. Also, pray for lasting relationships to be established and for opportunities to serve with one another again for the advancing of the Kingdom of God. In Jesus' name.

Dear Lord,

We give thanks for your beautiful creation,

the green of the trees,

the bright colors of the flowers,

the owl's greetings at night,

and the birds early morning chirps.

We savor the coolness of the breeze,

and the first jump into the lake.

We wait for the fireflies to light up the sky,

and marvel at the stars above.

We give thanks for food shared with friends,

the picnic tables full of snacks and sandwiches,

the prayers sung before meals,

the laughter shared between bites,

the quench of cold water,

and watermelon juice that drips down our arms.

We give thanks for friends,

the ones who know when we're feeling lonely,

and offer their hand in friendship,

the ones who make us laugh,

and the ones who help us step out of our comfort zone.

We give thanks for evening campfires,

the dancing of light from the flames,

arms wrapped around one another,

swaying back and forth with the guitars,

stories, songs, and inspiration,

the ending of a day,

the promise of a star-filled sky.

Be with us, Lord, in these moments of joy and learning.

Open our hearts to see you in the faces of friends,

the majesty of a setting sun,

the silliness of songs,

and the stories declaring your love for each of us.

Teach us to sing and dance,



And be still.

This is our camper's prayer,

be with us, Lord.


Dear God of Israel and God of Moses,

I pray for those traveling to and from camp. Thousands of cars, church vans, and buses are on the road this week. They are loaded with Christian campers and counselors, and sponsors. Some are carrying precious cargo: the souls of lost boys and girls, lost teens, or even lost adults. Please protect each and every one, O Lord. You led Israel for 40 years through the wilderness and met their needs. I ask You to meet the needs of Your children still today while traveling. May each vehicle run well. May each driver stay awake and alert. Protect from accidents and breakdowns.

I pray for the activities of the camp week. May everyone have a fun time and a safe time. Protect from mishaps and sickness. Keep all from home sickness as well. Allow only those things to happen that will further the working of the Holy Spirit in the lives of those who need a special touch from Thee.

I pray for the staff. Meet every physical and spiritual need. Give Your divine guidance for the decisions that have to be made. Give them strength to serve Thee and grace to serve others. As You were with Moses in the wilderness, please, O God, be with the staff leadership.

I pray for the counselors to have wisdom to lead and to deal with the problems that may arise. Give them special discernment in every situation. May they be used of Thee in the lives of each of their campers. Help them with the right words to say and the right attitudes to display in every circumstance.

I pray for the preachers. May Your Holy Spirit anoint them with power from on High. May they know which messages to preach and when to preach them. Keep them from following their own agendas but lead their hearts to the very message that needs preached each morning and night. Help each one to connect with the needs of each individual camper. Use them mightily to reach the hearts and souls of campers. Use the preachers greatly, even as You used Aaron and his sons among the children of Israel.

I pray for the campers. Most, no doubt, are Christians. However, they have spiritual needs that must be met. Some are hot for Thee; use them to be a blessing to other campers. Work in such a way as to call many of these campers this week into full-time Christian service for Thee. Some are cold; show them their spiritual emptiness. Give them a deep desire for a life of purpose and usefulness, one that brings glory to Thee. Others are lukewarm and do not even know it. They are seemingly satisfied and comfortable. Break into their hearts and minds with life-changing conviction. May this week of camp be one of heartfelt repentance and soulful tears. Transform these campers from the inside out.

I pray for the lost at camp. May Your Holy Spirit open their spiritual eyes to the need of their hearts, the need for Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of their lives. Break them under the convicting power of the Spirit and bring them to the place of sincere repentance. May many place their faith alone in You this very week and be saved from their sin and damnation.

Bless the campers as they return home. May their lives, and homes, and schools, and youth groups, and churches never be the same. May eternal transformation be noticed in every one. I thank You, O Lord, for Your promised and faithful answers to prayer in the lives of the campers this year. Without You and Your work in their lives, this week of camp would have no meaning. Lastly, but more importantly, Lord, may You be glorified now and forever. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.