Prayer For Bullying Victims

Abba Father, I thank you that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Thank you that I am your child and you care about me. Thank you that you said you would never leave me and you would never forsake me. I pray that you would uproot fear from my heart and fill me with power, love and a sound mind so that I can see this situation as you see it. I pray that you will build up my faith in you and in your word. Give me guidance and show me how to deal with the bullies in my life. When I speak fill my mouth with your wisdom so that I will say only what you want me to say to diffuse the situation and put an end to what is going on. Show me who I need to speak to about the bullying. If there is something I need to do, grant me the wisdom and understanding to do it.

Abba, I want to specifically pray for (name of the bullies) and ask that you would first show them your love. Only you know the heart of each person but I ask that you would save them. Speak to their heart and show them how to stop this. Make them see that this is not of you and there is a better way for them to act. Uproot any pride, fear or insecurities that may be fueling this fire. Bring a change in their heart and mind. Let them focus elsewhere and no longer think of me as a person they want to mistreat or bully. Bring something or someone in their life to occupy their time and take their attention off of me. Let them be totally distracted, preoccupied and consumed by something else so that they don't have time to be bullying me. All glory and honor goes to you in this peaceful resolution, in Jesus Name, Amen.

I need help to stand up to those who have been bullying me and I dont know if I can cope if they keep getting away with it. Please give me strengh to cope with life's difficulties.


We ask for your protection over those who have experienced bullying. Please rescue them from emotional and physical danger, and from the fear associated with this trauma.

We cry out to you use us as your instruments of peace to nourish their souls, to bring encouragement, and to release them from anxiety and the insecurity that comes when we feel weak.

Help these victims to forgive their enemies as you instructed, and may we use our words to pray for blessing upon those who do us harm. May that blessing ultimately be a transformation of heart, which we pray you will grant us all. As counter-intuitive as Your ways are, they are our pathway to freedom.

He reached down from on high and took hold of me, he drew me out of deep waters. He rescued me from my powerful enemy, from my foes who were too strong for me. They confronted me on my day of disaster, but the Lord was my support. ~ 2 Samuel 22:17

We trust in You to deliver us from trauma, fear, and abuse of every kind, for that is why you came and faced the bullies, religious and political, who crucified you that Passover day 2,000 years ago.


Dear Lord I lift up _________ who is being bullied. I pray that he/she would know that he/she is loved and valuable. I pray that you would begin to heal the wounds that have occurred due to the bullying. Lord, I pray that ______ would have the courage, strength, power and will to begin to stand against this bully. I ask that ________ would have the right words to defend himself/herself. I ask that you would place protective angels around him/her and that he/she would literally feel a wall of protection around them.

In the name of Jesus I put a stop to this demonic harassing spirit I rebuke it in Jesus name. I say your powers were broken at the cross and you have no right to touch _________ or intimidate him/her in any way. I now look for good and positive things to come _______'s way and believe that there will be good days ahead.

In Jesus name we pray. amen

Father, You are our Rock, Fortress and Savior. You are our Rock in whom we find protection. Lord, You always keep Your promises; You are gracious in all that You do. You help those who have fallen and You lift those who have too much to carry. People everywhere look to You in hope and You give them their food as they need it. When You open Your hand, You satisfy the hunger and thirst of every living thing. Thank You for being a refuge of safety for those people who are being hurt by others. Thank You for being our Savior, the one who saves us from violence. Thank You for never leaving or abandoning Your people.

Holy Father, Your Word says that we are to treat people in the way that we want to be treated. We confess that we will practice this command and be kind and fair. We will be good friends and tell an adult when someone is being mean to another person. We will not push, shove, or fight. We declare that You, Lord will be the light and salvation for those who are being bullied and mistreated so they will not have to be afraid. We declare that God, You will cause the bad people who go around bullying people to fail in their actions. We confess that Your angels will protect those people who are being bullied wherever they go. We declare that You, will rescue those who love You and will protect those who trust in Your Name.

Holy Spirit, please show me how I can pray for children who are being bullied:


Holy Spirit, please help those people who are being bullied. Send people to help them. Please help the people who are doing the bullying to get help so that they will not continue to hurt people. Lord, give me the courage to tell my parents about anyone I know who is being hurt or bullied.

Father, forgive people who bully others. Forgive us for not always speaking up and telling an adult when we see someone bullying a person. Father, please forgive me for (list any sin that comes to mind). Lord, remind all of us of those we need to forgive; and help us to be quick to forgive. (Take a moment and ask the Holy Spirit to show you names or faces of people that you may need to forgive. As He shows you, say aloud, I forgive name of person(s).)

Father, help us all to not yield to temptation; but deliver them from the evil one.

Eternal King, how great are Your signs and how powerful are Your wonders! Your Kingdom will last forever, Your rule through all generations. You are the Lord, the Holy One, Israel's Creator and King. In Jesus' name, amen.

Holy Spirit, please help those people who are being bullied. Send people to help them. Please help the people who are doing the bullying to get help so that they will not continue to hurt people. Lord, give me the courage to tell my parents about anyone I know who is being hurt or bullied.

Father, forgive people who bully others. Forgive us for not always speaking up and telling an adult when we see someone bullying a person. Father, please forgive me for (list any sin that comes to mind). Lord, remind all of us of those we need to forgive; and help us to be quick to forgive. (Take a moment and ask the Holy Spirit to show you names or faces of people that you may need to forgive. As He shows you, say aloud, I forgive name of person(s).)

Father, help us all to not yield to temptation; but deliver them from the evil one.

Eternal King, how great are Your signs and how powerful are Your wonders! Your Kingdom will last forever, Your rule through all generations. You are the Lord, the Holy One, Israel's Creator and King. In Jesus' name, amen.

Father, we confess that as they grow up, there are times that we don't know how to take our emotion out of the picture in order to guide them correctly and compassionately. When our children are bullied, we become defensive and bitter. It's easy to fall prey to vengeful thinking and hurl insults back at the ones causing our child pain. Forgive us for reacting in spite and blame. The children on the other end of the pain are Yours, too. You created them and You love them just as much as You love us and our children. Forgive us for forgetting that.

Help us to do what is not within our normal inclination. On behalf of our children, through Your Spirit who dwells within us from the moment we believe in Jesus, give us the strength to be compassionate and kind in unjust situations. Focus our gaze on Your Son, and the sacrifice He chose to make for us.

Jesus understands what it's like to be bullied. Questioned and ridiculed for who He was His entire walk on this earth, and beaten to death in the most brutal way possible. By His death on the cross, He endured more physical and emotional pain than we will ever be asked to bear by our loving God. Christ took on the weight of the entire world's sin. By name, He knew us. By name, He forgave us long before we breathed earthly air.

Jesus died for the bully and the bullied. He left us instructions to pray for our enemies. Just as He did in His last breath on the cross. Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.

Father, it's hard to see our children hurt. Guide us to act swiftly in their defense when they are in danger physically, and compassionately remind them of who they really are when their soul's are under attack. We are promised that in this world we will have trouble, and that's no more evident than amongst a crop of elementary-aged children hurling mean insults at another child or our own child.

Sometimes, the very definition of friendship is confused by bullying. When our children are hurt by their very own friends, help us to seek Your counsel and guidance as we lead them in forming godly friendships. Bless our children with friendships that honor You, and help them to be loving and loyal friends to others.

Bless and protect our children's hearts and minds. By the power of the Holy Spirit who helps us to recall Your Word, may we have Truth on the tips of our tongues to remind our kids what You say about them. May they always know that You love them, and that they are Yours. Stir their hearts to hear Your call on their lives early, and may their steps follow fast after You all of their days.

Help us to remember to pray for our enemies. To pray for the bullies. Bless those that harbor malice and anger in their hearts, treating others as less than what they are Your beautiful creation. Search their hearts for hurt and call them back to You. Love their hurt away.

Father, parenting is amazing and heartbreaking at the same time. Help us, Jesus. Guide us through this maze of raising a child that is God-fearing, God honoring, and Christ following. Beyond our mistakes and inabilities, we know that You chase after our children. Praise You, that it's not all up to us. Bless our feet to walk out our calling as parents, and our children to hear Your voice above all others ours and the bullies. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Dear Heavenly Father,

We come to you with hearts saddened by the persecution and unfair treatment experienced by _______________ at the hands of those who are acting like bullies. My heart is breaking for my loved one because they have become victims of others who are heartless and cruel.

Please guide my loved one on how to handle the situation that I now describe to You __________________________

I pray that my loved one will overcome this obstacle and will be happy, respected and accepted for who they are. May they be surrounded by nurturing people, may they receive your guidance and presence. Here are the special graces I pray for my loved one today ______________________________.

I pray for myself. Help me deal with the emotions I'm feeling about this situation. Here is how I'm feeling ___________________________________________________. Help know what to do to help my loved one. I want to let them know of my love and encouragement. Please tell me one thing I can do to help them today. Here is what you seem to be bringing to my mind ______________________________________________.

I pray for the following issues that my loved one is facing.



Physical attacks_____________________

Scare tactics_______________________

Feelings of self worth_________________

Feelings of Fear_______________________


I pray the strength and blessings of the Scriptures as found in the book of Nehemiah over my loved one now.

I pay that all words of derision and discouragement will not prosper. May those who utter these insults be the ones who themselves suffer the effects of their own wrong doing. (Nehemiah 4:3,4)

I pray that all plots and threats will be discovered beforehand so preparations and defense can be put into place. May much prayer go up to You. May those in authority and those in the community willingly take their places as guards to protect and defend my loved one. (Nehemiah 4:8,9)

May good people gather and continue to stand their ground against this bullying. May my loved one stand strong knowing that the Lord and His good people are on their side. (Nehemiah 4:14)

As those who are bullying continue to tell my loved one that they are weak and powerless, I pray Nehemiah 6:9 for them Now strengthen their hands. Give them the determination to go on with their work and their life in the power You provide.

I pray the triumphant ending power of Nehemiah when the work of rebuilding the walls was completed despite those who opposed it. When all our enemies heard about this, all the surrounding nations were afraid and lost their self-confidence, because they realized that this work had been done with the help of our God. (Nehemiah 6:16)

Finally, I pray that You will somehow make it possible for me to pray for the bullies. I pray that their power to harm others will be limited and removed so that others will not become their victims. I pray for their souls and spirits that have fallen to this level of hate, bitterness, anger and self centeredness. I pray that you will soften their hard hearts. Please show me how to pray for them now______________

And finally, I thank you dear Jesus that throughout your ministry and during your trial and execution You know how we feel because You experienced opposition, persecution, physical attacks and verbal insults. Thank You that You understand and that You care. But most of all, thank You that You continued on with Your mission because of God's great power so that we all might do the same.

My your guarding and protecting angels surround my loved one today.

We pray in the strong and compassionate name, of Jesus Christ. Amen.