Prayer For Broken Spirit

Heavenly Father, please forgive me of my sinsincluding those I have committed against my loved one. And just as you are willing to forgive me, help me to forgive my partner, as well.

Help me to let go of my grudges. Help me to let go of the possibility of revenge. Let the cycle of retribution stop in my relationshiplet it be ended with forgiveness and love.

Help us to be Christlike in our forgiveness, Lord, and give us the strength to let go.

In Christs' Name, Amen.

Dear God, I ask that you please heal the damage that has built up through the long struggle my partner and I have been through in our relationship. Please bless us both with the wisdom to take the knowledge of what we've done wrong and use it to make things better.

Lord, let love suffuse our relationship. Let it fill every corner of our lives, healing the rift between us. Help my partner and I to love one another as Christ loves the Church, as you love your human children: unconditionally and respectfully.

In Christs' Name, amen."

Lord, I take comfort in the fact that you know all things. My relationship is struggling, and I don't know what to do. Please reveal to me the things that I, or my partner, can do better in order for our relationship to please you.

And if it's time to end the relationship, please help me to see and accept this. Open my eyes to any abuse that I may be suffering, and give me the strength to escape it. If my partner is hiding something from me, let it come to light so that I can make an informed decision.

In Jesus' Name, amen."

Lord, my relationship has become difficult. There is fighting and unease. There's tension and resentment. I feel that I have nowhere to turn.

Please let there be peace between my partner and I. Grant us the kind of peace that only you can give, Lord, and help us to feel at ease with one another. Drain away any resentment, anger, or tension that has built up between us. Help us to seek compromise rather than struggling with one another in order to win.

Please bless our home to be a place of peace and restfulness, as it should be.

Thank you, Father. Amen.

Heavenly Father, in Jesus' name, please heal my heart and fill me with joy again. You know I lost my joy because of the things that happened, but I have forgiven the people who hurt me. Now, Father, I need You to restore my heart.

Restore unto me the joy of my salvation, Father. Uphold me with Your generous Spirit. Strengthen and help me, Lord. Put the bounce back in my step, the smile back on my face, and the dance back in my feet.

Help me to rejoice always, Father, for this is Your will for me. Thank You, Father God, and I praise You for hearing and answering my prayer. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.

Father God, I've been struggling to forgive and let this go, but I know You can help me. Please give me a willingness to forgive the same way Jesus forgave those who murdered Him.

Change my heart, Lord, and help me to care more about obeying You than I do about holding onto anything that has been done to me. Help me to forgive completely and from my heart, Lord. Thank You. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.

Dear Lord Jesus, there's no Savior like younone so kind, so compassionate, so merciful, so very close. The brokenhearted don't need to buck up and be brave when they see you coming. The crushed in spirit don't need to pull themselves together, as though you would be greatly disappointed to find us less than conquerors.

We praise you that the gospel is heaven's declared end to all pretense and pretending. Jesus, you have no need for us to be anything other than we actually are. It's the proud you know from afar. It's when we are desperate for your grace you are nearer than the next breath. This gives us incalculable comfort as we bring ourselves, and a wide array of weary friends before you today.

Lord Jesus, we pray for a whole country this morning, Norway. Unconscionable acts of evil were done in that peaceful land yesterdaycrimes for which we have few words or categories. It's terror-filled days like this that make us cry out, How long O Lord? Strengthen your people who live and serve in Norway. Grant heroic grace and tender mercies as they seek to care for their countrymen. For the dozens of families who will be burying their teenage sons and daughters this next week, we pray your redeeming and healing presence. Draw many heavenward, Lord Jesus, draw many to yourself.

Jesus, for our weary friends serving on church staffs or in vocational ministry, many of them wake up today disillusioned, depleted and despondent. Pastors, worship leaders, missionaries, counselors, youth workerswe naively assume some jobs should be beyond the gamesmanship and brokenness we find in other vocational settings. But sinners-saved-by-grace are still sinners, no matter where they work. Nothing short of a miracle will win the day in some divided, bitter church families. Bring renewal, bring renewal, bring refreshment, being hope.

Jesus, for those of us who don't necessarily feel crushed in spirit, but rather disconnected, disillusioned or just discombobulated in spirit, help us to sort through the issues and our feelings. What's really going on, Lord? Show us what's repent-able and what's repairable. Quiet our noisy hearts so we can hear you speak. We need your presence much, much more than we need circumstances and people to change.

Jesus, today, and every day, we declare that our hope is built on nothing else, nothing less and nothing more you and what you've done for us on the cross. So very Amen we pray, in your near and compassionate name.

Heavenly Father,

Please release Your blessings to me now. Wash me from the inside to the outside. Father, I break the curse of low self-esteem. I break the curse of rejections. I break the curse of abuse. I break the curse of mental torment. I break the curse of not feeling as though I am good enough. Father, I break the curses of verbal, physical and sexual abuse. I break them right now in the name of Jesus. From this day forward, I forbid Satan and his lies from taking root in my life. Now, Lord, by Your Spirit, sweep across my life in diving healing.

I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, my Saviour. Amen and Amen.