Prayer For Basketball Tournament

Dear Lord,
As we face our opponents tonight,

may we play our hearts out and give a

100% effort out there on the court.

May we also be good sportsmen to our opponents

before, during, and after the game.

Finally, Lord,

we ask that you watch over us during the game.

Give us the stamina to endure the game,

and empower us mentally

to overcome every challenge we will face.

In Jesus' name.


Dear Lord God,

Thank you for all the gifts you have given us. Help us to enter into this event with love, wisdom and strength in our hearts. We pray that we would look to you in awe and worship. May we put into practice all that we have learnt in our training, and bring to mind all the skills and planning from our preparation times. May each of us be aware of your goodness in our lives, and may this goodness pour out of us as a witness to your endless grace. You Lord are our inspiration, our teacher and our protector.

Our trust is in you today and always.


Dear Father,

May I compete with your love shining in my heart. May I push myself to be the best. I believe I can with your wisdom in my mind. May I have the strength, endurance and skills I need to be the athlete I know I can be. I worship you, I surrender to you.

Lord, all that I do today is for you and your glory.


Dear God,

May everything I am be a prayer to you. May I race with strength, courage and endurance and fulfil my potential today.


Dear Father, may we compete with Your heart shining through ours. May we push ourselves to be what You tell us we can be. May we have kindness in our hearts, mindfulness in our souls, and endurance to finish. Keep us and our competitors safe from harm, and let our actions be a testament to your glory. Amen.

Dear Father, let the efforts of our minds and bodies be fruitful, that we may perform in a way glorious to You. May the time we spent preparing shine today as a testament to You. Keep our hearts open and our bodies safe from harm. Amen.

God our Father,
You have created us
to strive for the best.
Grant to all athletes, coaches, and fans,
strength to pursue excellence
during this event.
We pray for the safety of these athletes;
Protect them from injury and harm.
And finally, we pray for your grace,
that you would provide us
with the endurance to pursue our heavenly prize:
eternal life in Your Son. Amen

Father in Heaven, We ask Your blessing on the game we are about to play. Give each one of us the courage to play the game in a manner, which by our words and our actions, is pleasing to You. Let us enter into the competition in a spirit of sportsmanship And with respect for members of the opposing team.