Prayer For A Successful Day At Work

Heavenly Father, I now accept prosperity into my life.
I accept abundance into my life
Lord, I accept success and well-being

God, I pray into existence:
Perfect health for my body
Perfect wealth for my family
and future generations.
Perfect, immens and
abundant love in my life
Perfect happiness and joy in my heart
Perfect clarity and peace in my mind

I speak these things in faith
I call on them now
In the mighty name of Jesus

Victory is now flowing into me
success is mine
prosperity is mine

I believe so
For the earth belongs to the Lord my Father
and all things in it and all who live in it

Thank you, Loving Father, my provider
Thank you for bringing
them to pass in my life

In the Name of Jesus. Amen.

Blessed Holy Father, thank you for this day! Thank you for the sacrifices you've made to allow me to be here to serve you. Lord, thank You for Your love, Your kindness and for all the numerous blessing You have sent my way. Thank You for Your guidance and for Your constant support in my life.

I pray today Lord that you will place me in front of those you wish for me to help. Father, I am ready and able to do Your will. I pray that you use me as a tool to Your benefit. Lord, I ask that You will guide me and give the words to say and the patience to listen. Father, I pray that you will give me strength to overcome adversity, face and persuade naysayers, and use me as a tool to get to the people you want me to help. God, I know that all things are possible through you and I believe you have put me in sales for a reason. Please help me to see that reason and help me to help others help themselves.

In Jesus Christ name I pray, AMEN.

Dear Almighy Father, we praise you for gatherings all of us today in this important event. May you grant us your guidance and blessings on this event so that we can enjoy and appreciate its significance in our lives. Bless everyone present today that each may be able to share what she or he has for your glory and honor.

Give good health and safety to loved ones left behind at home and peace and goodwill to all men. May the many activities related to this event be a success, through your intervention.

We ask all of these in your name, Amen.

Blessed St. Joseph,
model for all those who are commited to labor,
get for me the grace to work conscientiously,
placing the call of duty above my many sins;
to work with gratitude and joy,
considering it an honor to employ and develop,
through the means of labour,
the gifts received from God;
to work with order,
peace, prudence and patience,
never giving into weariness or difficulties;
to work, above all,
with purity of purpose,
and with detachment from self,
having always death infornt of my eyes
and the account which I must render of time lost,
of talents wasted,
good omitted,
of shallow complacency in success
so fatal to the work of God.
All for Jesus,
and all for Mary,
all after Your example,
Loving Patriarch Joseph.
Such shall be my motto in life and death.


Almighty Father, we give You thanks. For through our Lord Jesus Christ, You have granted us a spiritual victory over all the plots and ploys of the enemy. Those who try to shipwreck our faith, and make us ineffective warriors of the cross. Thank You, Lord, that in everything we are more than conquerors. For knowing that victory over spiritual wickedness in high places was attained on the cross. However, we need to be careful and wise, understand that the enemy as a roaring lion prowls around looking for whom he may devour.

Lord, help me in all times to resist the devil and his wicked plans. Knowing that as a blood-bought child of God, the enemy will run from me. But I recognize that he uses many faces and disguises to trip us up and to make our faith ineffective, unproductive and fruitless. Father, help me to be ever walking in humility before You and to hear Your voice. Help me in knowing that the weapons of our warfare are not physical weapons but spiritual ones. Which are effective in bringing down Satanic strongholds in our lives, that hinder our relationship with our Heavenly Father. In all things I pray that You would rule and reign in my life, so that I may live to Your praise and glory, until my life's end, in Jesus name I pray.


Loving Father,

Only your peace can help me through the anxiety and stresses of exam nerves. Your peace is beyond all understanding. I pray for this gift and choose to lean on you at this time.
Father, come and remind me of your eternal love.
Remind me that you hold me safe, you understand me, and you cherish me.
I lay down my fears before you.
Lord, I place them at the foot of the cross, for you have overcome the world.
I choose to give you all my concerns, worries and fears of failure.
Father, I know that your loving hand will hold me through these exams and lead into a bright future.


Heavenly Father,

You see that my business is my passion. Please aid me in running it in an efficient and godly manner. I pray that you grant me wisdom where I need it and to guide me in the changes on the road ahead. I call on you to speak to me when I'm not sure what to do next and to give me comfort when there are obstacles. Give me the power to hear your voice clearly.

Father, please help me to serve my customers and clients with a heart like yours. I want them to see Your light in me each time they interact with me or step foot into my business. Help me to stand by my faith and values in my business if I come across controversy and stay firm in You.

In Your Name Jesus, I pray.


Lord, I thank you for the way you've made me. For the many gifts and talents you've bestowed on me. Father, I trust that I'm the best option for this job. I am thankful for each and every one of the people I work with. Even the ones I don't particularly like or understand. I pray that my focus would be on accomplishing the goals you have set forth for me to attain during my time in this position. Grant me wisdom and discernment on the job, even in the middle of a hostile environment. Help me learn what you want to teach me here, and give me patience as you prepare me for the future.