Prayer For Ash Wednesday Service

Loving God, as we begin this Lenten journey toward a greater union with you, strengthen our faith through our devoted practices of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Open up new doors to deeper spirituality and discovery of your love. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Almighty and everlasting God, you hate nothing you have
made and forgive the sins of all who are penitent: Create and
make in us new and contrite hearts, that we, worthily
lamenting our sins and acknowledging our wretchedness,
may obtain of you, the God of all mercy, perfect remission
and forgiveness; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives
and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever
and ever. Amen.

Purifying Mystery, your light exposes in us all that we hide.
Awaken us and all your Holy Church to spiritual combat.
Lead us to purity of soul and body in these forty days.
Fortify us to take an honest look at ourselves
and to name our secret sins and our ruts of disobedience.
Let abstinence from our addictions free us for prayer and the fire of love.
Perfect us by steady gaze toward your pure mercy and grace
so that we may come to the Passion of Jesus
and the Holy Pascha* in pure joy.
In confidence we commend ourselves and all our passions
and cares to your never failing mercy.

We intercede for the world and the church:
Especially for those we have hurt by our preoccupations
For those who live sacrificially so that others
may know your justice and compassion
For a just peace in and among nations
For professionals who help others stand in the light
For the church in every place
For the concerns and cares of our lives

Gracious God, today begins a period of inner reflection and examination. The days stretch before me and invite me inward to that silent, holy space that holds your Spirit. This special time beckons me to see my life through Christ's eyes and the truth and reality of your love incarnate. Give me the grace to enter the space of these days with anticipation of our meeting. And, when I open my soul to your presence, let your loving kindness flow over me and seep into the pockets of my heart. I ask this for the sake of your love.

Heavenly Father, Blessed One, have mercy on us. Lord, as we repent our sins to You. We have been deficient in Your glory and without your mercy and grace, we would be non-existent. Father, we repent now. Lord, as we embark onto this Lenten season, be close to us. Help us Lord, through Your Holy Spirit, to believe in what is right and in repentance for our sin. Help us, by your Spirit, to have the strength to defeat the enemy.

Thank you, Father, that Easter is arriving! Death has no power, no victory, because of Jesus! Glory and honor and praise be to His Name! Lord, thank you for rescuing us. Help us appreciate both the importance and the joy of this season in our hearts and as we move through the next several weeks. Help us bear the good fruit of Your Spirit.

Father, thank you, for the ashes on our forehead do not symbolize our ultimate reality. We might have been formed from the dust , but our bodies, our spirits, ourselves, await beautiful redemption and the restoration of all things. Help us wait and look forward to that day, and let it come quickly, Lord Jesus. Amen.

Almighty and everlasting God, you hate nothing you have
made and forgive the sins of all who are penitent: Create and
make in us new and contrite hearts, that we, worthily
lamenting our sins and acknowledging our wretchedness,
may obtain of you, the God of all mercy, perfect remission
and forgiveness; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives
and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever
and ever. Amen.

Lord, Holy One, have mercy on us. We confess our sins to you. We have fallen short of your glory and without your mercy and grace, we would be dust. We repent now. Lord, as we enter into this Lenten season, be near to us. Help us, by your Holy Spirit, to feel right conviction and repentance for our sin. Help us, by your Spirit, to have the strength to overcome the enemy.

Thank you, Lord, that Easter is coming! Death has no sting, no victory, because of Jesus! Glory and honor and praise to His name! Thank you for rescuing us. Help us keep both the weight and the joy of this season in our hearts and we move through the next several weeks. Help us bear the good fruit of your Spirit.

Thank you that the ashes on our forehead do not symbolize our ultimate reality. From dust we might have been formed, but our bodies, our spirits, ourselves, await beautiful redemption and the restoration of all things. Help us long and look forward to that day, and let it come quickly, Lord Jesus. Amen.

Lord, Holy One, have mercy on us. We confess our sins to you. We have fallen short of your glory and without your mercy and grace, we would be dust. We repent now. Lord, as we enter into this Lenten season, be near to us. Help us, by your Holy Spirit, to feel right conviction and repentance for our sin. Help us, by your Spirit, to have the strength to overcome the enemy.

Thank you, Lord, that Easter is coming! Death has no sting, no victory, because of Jesus! Glory and honor and praise to His name! Thank you for rescuing us. Help us keep both the weight and the joy of this season in our hearts and we move through the next several weeks. Help us bear the good fruit of your Spirit.

Thank you that the ashes on our forehead do not symbolize our ultimate reality. From dust we might have been formed, but our bodies, our spirits, ourselves, await beautiful redemption and the restoration of all things. Help us long and look forward to that day, and let it come quickly, Lord Jesus. Amen.