Prayer For Angry Spouse

Loving Father,

Anger has invaded my home.

Anger is disrupting my home and attacking your plans for peace and harmony in my home.

Purify my home. Purify my heart. Purify the heart of my husband.

Remind me that my battle is with spiritual forces - not my husband.

Remind me to see this situation as an attack against "my husband and myself" not just as my husband's problem.

I ask these things in Jesus' name,


Lord of Miracles and Mercy,

I lift up my husband to you in prayer.

Father God, you have a father's heart of love

that reaches out to ________

each moment of the day.

Your love and compassion for ________

is infinitely deep.

Lord, your love and your ability

to transform _______'s life

inspires me as I pray.

I ask that you would

help _______,

heal _______,


draw _______ toward you.

I ask for Mighty Miracles to shower down on _______

and transform _______ and his attitudes, his words, and his actions.

I ask these things in the

Victorious name of Jesus Christ,


Father of Heavenly Love,

Your word is Truth.

Your word is Inspirational.

Your word is Motivational.

Draw me


draw my husband

to read your Word more often

and follow its guidance more closely.

In Jesus' name I pray,


Loving Lord,

I come into your throne room seeking help from you.

My husband needs help.

And I need help to be a Powerful Wife who walks each day in Amazing Faith!

When I feel powerless, remind me of the Power of Prayer!

Right now, I am going to encourage myself.

Right now, I am going to pray Powerful Words...

God of all Power - Rescue my husband. Rescue me. Rescue our marriage!

God of all Mercy - Surround us with your help.

God of all Love - Light up the path of Freedom so that my husband can easily see the way to Victory.

God of all Wisdom - Whisper words of Wisdom and Encouragement to my husband.

Do miracles, Lord.

And God, grab my attention during my day and remind me to pray Powerful Prayers!

I pray these things in the Mighty name of Jesus,



I feel so tired of struggling to deal with an angry husband.

Sometimes I feel so hopeless.

Refresh me today. Remind me of your enormous love for me. Comfort me and strengthen me.

Lord, I pray that you will intervene in this situation and do a miracle. Touch ________'s heart. Soften the hard, dry areas in his heart. Encourage him to walk down a path that leads to greater calmness, peace, and patience.

Lord, whisper your wisdom to him in times of tension.

Teach him how to experience calmness in the midst of frustrating circumstances.

Show him how to see opportunities for gentleness where he would previously only have seen opportunities for anger.

Mentor him in the day and even at night as he sleeps.

And help me to perceive instances of improvement in my husband - even small or sporadic instances of improvement.

Remind me to praise you for each ray of hope - no matter how small.

I pray these things in the Powerful name of Jesus,


Heavenly Father, relationships are one of the most important things You have given to us. And the marriage relationship is especially important, valuable and purposeful. I praise You for creating us as relational beings who can benefit from each other and build into each other. Thank You for the ability to communicate, whether through words, touch, texts or a myriad of other ways. I praise You for the desire You have placed within us to connect with others, and I ask that You increase that desire more in the days, weeks, months and years ahead.

Dear Lord,

I pray right now for the angry husband. Please calm his heart today. Allow him to know Your peace and give him a gentle and compassionate spirit for his wife. I pray against the spirit of wrath that he may be operating in and ask that you would replace all of his anger with your unfailing love. You say in your word that the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God so I ask that you would teach him how to pursue your righteousness daily.

In Jesus' name, AMEN!

Dear Lord, please send the Holy Spirit to enter the heart of my husband. He is a caring father to the family but has a painful anger towards me as his wife. I feel a deep hatred when i am close to him. Lord, please heal our hearts so that they become one through the connection of the Holy Spirit. Release all the anger, the hatred and carefree from my husband, and help him to be calm, loving and caring. In Jesus Mighty Name.