Prayer For A New Relationship

Lord, we thank you for your grace. You have been generous and given us so many blessings in our life. You are worthy of all of our praise and gratitude. We life up your hands to humbly worship and adore you. Empower us to follow your example in all things. Help us to become better partners for each other if that is your will. Amen.

After a long day, it is easy to focus our attention on work, chores or other responsibilities. No matter how busy we are, help us to put you and our relationship first. Remind us that this life is temporal and that your eternal life is more important. If we are influenced negatively by each other, help us to turn toward your example again. May we grow in our love for each other and our faith in you always.

Help us to flee from sexual immorality and sin. While we have found a new love in each other, help us to keep this love pure until we one day decide to get married. Our bodies are a temple of your Holy Spirit, so help us to remain focused on you and pure in our thoughts, words and deeds. Guide us so that we may follow your will in all things. Amen.

I pray that you will guide our footsteps as we learn how to communicate and compromise in a relationship. Help our infatuation turn into a lasting love and sense of companionship. As we walk forward in life, guide us according to your will. I trust that this relationship is a blessing from you, so I trust that you will guide us toward the wisdom, strength and love that we need to find happiness. Open the eyes of my heart and show me anything that is not of you. May we both enter this relationship, not blinded by love, but spirit-wise. Amen.

Heavenly Father, we turn to you for strength and support as we start a new relationship. Help us to share your love with each other and the people around us. Remind us to keep our hearts, souls and bodies pure. Never let anything overshadow or replace the love that we have from you. Give us the faith to follow you and to follow your example in our relationships. Whether we end up getting married or not, remind us that our first love and devotion is pledged to you for now and for always. Amen.

Lord, bless our relationship. Help us to grow closer to each other and to you. Help us to fulfill your will for our lives. Through this relationship, help us to guide and teach other other. No matter how hard life is, help us to seek you first in all things. May our love become genuine affection and a lasting bond. Help us to honor each other at all times and be bonded together through you. May our lives always be a reflection of your grace as we journey toward your greater glory. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

Lord, it seems like so many relationships end in a break up or a divorce. Help us to learn to balance each other's needs and communicate healthily. When boundaries are crossed or arguments happen, help us to find peace and love through compromise. Allow our respect and love for each other to show the world your power and what a Christian relationship is like. Amen.

Heavenly Father, please help us avoid isolating ourselves from each other and from other people. Sometimes, we spend too much time together because of our love and forget all of the other important people in our lives. Help us to weave our new relationship into all of the other relationships that we have in our lives. Help us find support through our friends so that we make the right decisions and become Christians. When temptation tries to cause us to sin, help us to remain strong and pure. Amen.