Prayer For A Newly Married Couple

Lord Jesus,
(on this happy day)
we thank you for the joy of N. and N.
Through all the years of their life
you have watched over them
to bring them together in holy Christian marriage.
Now Lord, bless them,
for they are united in love of you and of each other.
Redeemed by your Precious Blood
and strengthened by your grace,
may they live in kindness and fidelity,
in unfailing trust and love
so that their whole life may be pleasing to you.

Mary, who with Joseph
made a happy home at Nazareth for Jesus,
take these dear friends into your motherly care.
You who showed concern for a newly married couple at Cana,
help and guide N. and N.
May their union on earth lead to that eternal union
in which all the blessed will be joined together,
praising the Redeeming Blood of Jesus, the Lord.


Dear Lord, Strengthen our faith and draw us close to you. Keep our hearts rooted in your promises and following hard after you. May we trust you in times when we have plenty and in times when we're scraping to get by. Give us open eyes and hearts to follow the path you've planned for us, even when we don't see the way. Help us to spur each other on in our walk with you, and to be a light to others in this darkened world. May our relationship be a reflection of your love for us as we strive to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Amen.

Lord, Help us to communicate well as a team. May this relationship be rooted in words that reflect your presence in our marriage. Help us to work through struggles with patience and understanding. Guard our tongues in times of anger and frustration so we don't say things we will later regret! May our home be a safe place to share our struggles, sorrows, and fears. Give us open ears to truly hear and understand each other. Teach us to respect each other, even when we disagree, and to not spread malice about our partner to others. May our words be filled with your grace and compassion, forever and always. Amen.

Heavenly Father, thank You for all Your goodness and loving kindness to us, and for the beauties and joys of married life. Thank You for knitting these two hearts together in love and bringing them together into the sacred marriage partnership that was instituted by You in the beginning.

Knit them together I pray, in love and unity, and be their ever present support in times of joy as well as sorrow, in prosperity as well as lack, in sickness as well as in health, and provide for all the needs and necessities of life, throughout the course of their marriage together. May Your love and blessing rest upon this newly wed couple, and may their home be a place of peace and contentment, encouragement and hope.

I pray that the love that they have for each other at this dawn of their future together, will continue to grow ever brighter as the years pass. Give to each a heart that is keenly aware of the needs of the other, in preference to their own wants and desires.

May this marriage be one that lifts up the Lord Jesus, and may You remain the author and finisher of their life together, so that their love for each other will reflect and radiate the love they have for You. In Jesus' name,


Heavenly Father, how I thank You for the beautiful gift of marriage, and today Lord, I lift up a dear couple to you, these newlyweds who have made their pledge to each other, and before Your throne. I pray Your special blessing on their holy union.

Lord, may You be lifted-up in their lives and in their home, so that in the days that lie ahead the precious bond of marriage may be strengthened and their love for each other and for You, grows and blossoms.

As they start out in married life, help them to talk together, and to You, and help them to share their joys and sorrows with each other and to keep You at the centre of their marriage.

May each develop the grace of seeking the best for the other and thinking of their spouse as more important than themselves. And Lord, I pray that You would help them to grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, in Whose name I pray,


Thank You, Father, for our marriage and life together. Lord, I still feel so new to married-life and know that there is so much more that I need to learn, but in Your strength, I pray that our love for each other and married life together will become one that glorifies You in all we do.

Lord, thank You for all You have been teaching me over the past months, that marriage is truly a giving partnership. Continue I pray, to open my eyes and my heart to what it really means to be married for life, for better or for worse.

Thank You for showing me the importance of not always expecting my own way, and I ask You to help me grow and develop into the sort of spouse You would have me be.

Keep us both from selfishness and self-seeking attitudes, and help each of us to honour the other above ourselves. Help us to love and to submit to the other in the truly biblical sense and to value the type of humility and gentleness that was seen in the life of the Lord Jesus Himself.

Keep us Lord, ever under Your wings of protection and may we be drawn ever closer to each other and to You day by day, as we seek to grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus together. I ask this in Jesus' name


Thank You Father God, for marriage. I lift-up to You all those that are married, and especially those that have been recently married, the newly-weds, knowing that marriage is instituted of God, but also knowing that the world at large is at enmity with You and seems to have waged war on the sacred establishment of matrimony and family life.

Give wisdom to all Christian couples and especially those that have recently become newlywed, that they give heed to the truth of Your Word and demonstrate the joy that comes from living a life as unto the Lord.

Help them to trust in You as their God and Saviour and to keep You at the centre of their marriage. Help them to live in humble obedience to Your Word, and may they demonstrate the love of God and the wisdom of His Word to the world at large, in all they say and do.

Help all newlywed Christian couples to establish and maintain the kind of marriage that is pleasing in Your sight, where the husband loves his wife as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for her, and where the wife is gentle and submissive to her husband, the encourager, support and helper as laid out in Scripture. And use them to be a light to others whose marriages may be fraught with difficulties or disintegrating due to sin.

Bless all newlyweds today. May they grow in grace and in a knowledge of Jesus Christ, throughout the course of their marriage to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name,


Dear Lord, we thank You for bringing us together in love and as we have kneeled together to make vows to each other and to You, we ask that You would be with us through this wonderful and exciting journey through life, as man and wife.

Lord, we want You to direct and govern our lives together, and we pray that we may build each other up and strengthen the other rather than tearing each other down with careless actions and hasty words. Help us to guard our tongues and conduct our lives in a godly manner. Help us to keep our eyes and hearts faithful to each other and to You, and may we learn to live and move and have our being founded on Christ, Who is the founder and finisher of our faith and our only help in time of trouble.

Teach us to listen to the other, to pray together and to respond to each other with wisdom and grace. Help us to construct a transparent wall of trust between us and to wear the inner garments of grace and love, patience, wisdom and joy. Yhis we ask in the name of Jesus our Lord and Saviour,
