Prayer For A Mother Who Lost Her Baby

Dear Lord, I am overwhelmed with sadness because I have lost the baby that was growing in my womb. I was so excited about bringing her into the world. Now I will not be able to enjoy and share those beautiful moments with this child. Even though I don't understand, I trust in your word, which says that all things work together for good. So I know that all things are working out together for good. In Jesus' name, I believe and pray, Amen.

Lord, I hold my child and wonder where you are. I cry out in pain and wonder if you hear me. I wonder what kind of a God allows this to happen. Our faith is shaken but, Lord, let it not be taken away. We know a day is coming when we shall see our little ones again, whole and perfect. They will rejoice with us as we pass into the perfect forever, no separation from anyone, including you. You will hold them with us, hug us all, heal our hearts, and cast out our suffering. Come soon Lord Jesus. Come soon.

Father, we live in a society unaccustomed to having things taken away. When it's our children who are taken too soon, the shock and sadness can seem unending. Give us strength in these times to know that you love our children more than we do, for they are yours first. Our hallelujah may be broken, but it is honest and real. We may barely lift our eyes to you but our hearts stand firm in knowing you work all things together for good for those who love you.

Lord, we come before you as friends and family searching for healing, comfort, and strength for ones who have lost a child. Our hearts are broken for them, and we long to see them restored. Help us to remember that we can stand strong when they are weak, encourage them when they are down, and remind them that this is not the end. We will see our loved ones again; we will hold our babies close to us. Let these powerful words in Romans flow from us like living water, so that our friends who grieve might look up and be reminded of the love of Jesus through us. Amen.

God, we see how uncomfortable long-term grief is in our culture, and we know that each of us is guilty of judging someone else in this process. Even others who've lost a child can fall into that trap. We beseech you Jesus: remind us that you draw near to the broken hearted, not away. You do not put a timestamp on grief. Help us to be near our friends in these moments we don't fully understand, and to help them look forward to a day when their hurt will be healed in your presence.

Father, I want to be the kind of friend who walks beside another, even through a time I know nothing about. I want to show others your love and mercy in the midst of their most vulnerable, terrifying moments. Lord, give me your strength and your grace to pour out to my friends. Let my actions and words reflect your love and mercy in each moment I spend with them.

God, we may not understand the depth of grief from a parent who has lost a child. We may not know the loss of a child ourselves. Maybe we know a different kind of loss. Give us the clarity to remind ourselves that each and every life comes from you. Each child, no matter the time here, is perfectly made and loved for eternity. Let us reflect that truth back to those who mourn for the life of a child.

Heavenly Father, as our friend's and family's losses weigh on our hearts and perplex us in ways we can't understand, remind us that each season of life is there for a reason. Lord, help us to have an eternal perspective and to remember that we aren't made to be happy and whole in this life. Help us to be willing to walk beside our friends and family in whatever season we are given, whether rejoicing or grieving. Lord, we ask you to break our hearts for the things that break yours.