Prayer For A Marine

Holy Ghost fire burn from the top of my head to the soles of my feet and flush out every marine spirit deposit in my body in the name of Jesus.

Father, in the coming days, I will need you, but my recruit will need You more!
Let her perform her tasks with a sense of duty, not of anger or vengeance.

Let her reflexes be quick and her hands steady.
Let her head be clear and her eyes sharp.
Let her mind and body be strong and her spirit stronger.

God, please stand by my recruit and watch her back when she cannot!

Father, I love this recruit of mine! Take from ME; what she needs and give me what she does not.
I will pace the nights, if it means she gets some sleep.
I will deal with fatigue, if it means she will have energy.
I will carry her fear, if it means it gives her courage.
I will take her pain, if it means she is healthy and whole.
I will take her anger, if it means she is at peace.

Take my love and pride and let her feel it!
Let her know that I am with her every step of the way!

Please, take from me what You can; I give it willingly and with love.
It is all I have besides my prayers.

Above all, please help my recruit to achieve her goal of becoming.
A United States Marine!

This I ask on bended knee, that which I cannot do without YOU!


O Eternal Lord God, who through many generations has united and inspired the members of our Corps, grant Thy blessing, we beseech Thee, on Royal Marines serving all round the Globe. Bestow Thy Crown of Righteousness upon all our efforts and endeavours and may our laurels be those of gallantry and honour, loyalty and courage. We ask these things in the Name of Him, whose courage never fails, our Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Almighty and merciful God, look with Love on those who plead for Your help. Through the intercession of your servant, Father Vincent Capodanno, missionary and Catholic Navy Chaplain, grant the favor I earnestly seek (mention the request). May Vincent, who died bringing consolation to the Marines he was privileged to serve on the field of battle, intercede in my need as I pray in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


I lift up my son, ___________ to You and ask that You put a hedge of
protection around him.

Protect his spirit, body, mind, and emotions from any kind of evil or
harm. I pray specifically for protection from accidents, disease, injury,
or any other physical, mental or emotional abuse. I pray that he will
make his refuge in the shadow or Your wings until these calamities
have passed by.

Hide him from any kind of evil influences that would come against him.
Keep him safe from any hidden dangers and let no weapon formed against
him be able to prosper. Thank You, Lord, for Your many promises of
protection. Help him to walk in Your ways and in obedience to Your will
so that he never comes out from under the umbrella of that protection.
Keep him safe in all he does and wherever he goes.

In Jesus' name, I pray.

Dear Lord, before I close my eyes to sleep,
I pray thee, Lord, his soul to keep.
Keep him here, safe and sound.
Keep his boots on American grounds.
Allow him trips to go back home.
Give us time for our love to grow.
But when the day comes,
and we're oceans a part,
give him peace to calm his heart,
give him sleep to ease his soul,
and keep his eye on the goal.
Show him miracles throughout each day,
so he knows that I am continuing to pray.
Surround him with angels and watch over his bed.
Keep him safe so his blood isn't shed.
Give him the strength to survive each day,
knowing your grace is never far away.
Provide him with memories of me by his side,
so he never once doubts that I remain SEMPER FI.
You see, Lord, this Marine is my friend, my love, my life...
and I pray for the day that he calls me his wife.
I know he must first serve your purpose,
so I sit and patiently wait...
But if something happened to him let him enter your gates,
because you see.. God, he is a selfless and sacrificing man,
he's already given so much for the people of this land.
My lips he can not kiss,
and my arms he can not embrace,
he sleeps alone in his rack in a bare and confined place.
He's missed his mom's cooking
and the hugs from his cousins too,
this is why he is part of "THE PROUD AND THE FEW."
So please reserve his pass,
tell Peter to let him in,
he's already gone though hell,
don't make him go again...
But please don't take him from me yet,
Iraq and heaven can wait,
I need to grow old with him,
I want to join him at the gates.
Can't you see dear Lord?
As true as it already seems,
I can't live my life...
Not without my Marine.

Gracious God,

A warrior fights for those who cannot fight for themselves. As a warrior prepares for battle, there is a solemn responsibility: to know how and when and if to take life, just as a warrior must know how and when and if to risk their own life. These matters of giving and taking life are truly best left in your capable hands, O God, and yet here we are, in the midst of this tarnished and imperfect world. Your call echoes through all the confusion; from Micah and Deuteronomy we hear your ancient claim upon our lives to do three things: to do justice, love mercy, and in all things to walk humbly with you. With your grace, these warriors can wholeheartedly and faithfully do justice by executing the duties they have been given. They can love mercy to not only be the first to fight but also to be the first to pray for what is lost in war on all sides. And as we turn from our greatest accomplishments and triumphs, may we walk humbly with you, God, where your peace passes all understanding, enfolding us for all eternity.

Blessed be, Amen.

Almighty Father, whose command is over
all and whose love never fails, make me
aware of Thy presence and obedient to Thy
will. Keep me true to my best self, guarding
me against dishonesty in purpose and deed
and helping me to live so that I can face my
fellow Marines, my loved ones and Thee
without shame or fear. Protect my family.
Give me the will to do the work of a Marine
and to accept my share of responsibilities
with vigor and enthusiasm. Grant me the
courage to be proficient in my daily performance. Keep me loyal and faithful to my
superiors and to the duties my country and
the Marine Corps have entrusted to me. Make
me considerate of those committed to my
leadership. Help me to wear my uniform
with dignity, and let it remind me daily of the
traditions which I must uphold. If I am
inclined to doubt, steady my faith; if I am
tempted, make me strong to resist; if I should
miss the mark, give me courage to try again.
Guide me with the light of truth and grant
me wisdom by which I may understand the
answer to my prayer.