Prayer For A Lost Child By A Mother

Heavenly Father, I am crying to you in my trouble. Deliver me from my distress, for I am empty and lost. I don't know what to do or how to cope with life after the demise of my child. I loved my baby so much she was my world. Lord, give me the strength to go on and help me to take one step at a time as I come to terms with what has happened. Father, hold me and console me for it is only in you that I can find the strength to go on with life. Thank you, Lord, for answering my prayers. In Jesus' holy name, I believe and pray. Amen.

God, we pray that you will draw near to these parents who are grieving the loss of their baby. Thank you that you are close to them during this time and that you will never abandon them even during the toughest and most tearful days. When they have days where they feel numb and unsure, please lift them up with your strength

God, sometimes it is so hard to not be discouraged when life seems to be shattered. The hurt and pain that comes from losing a child is unbearable some days. Although I know my friend's heart will never fully be healed from the loss of his/her baby, will you please give them an extra dose of strength today? Will you remind them that they don't have to fear the future because you are right by their side? Thank you for the way you help us and strengthen us during our heartache.

God, we know that this baby is in heaven with you but we're grieving the loss of him/her here on earth. It seems unfair and it's devastating, but I pray that you would continue to wrap your arms around us as we cry, mourn, and remember the life of this precious child. Please be with the parents as they mourn the loss of the hope they had for their child. Wipe their tears when it just seems too heavy for them. Help them to know that you are in control and that there will be a day when all the heartache and brokenness of the world will be gone forever.

Thank you, God, that you care about us and that we don't need to carry this burden alone. Please lift up our friends who are mourning the loss of their sweet baby. Help them to cast all their worries, concerns, hurts, and suffering to You. Thank you that you care about them and their baby more than we ever could. We pray that their baby would be honored and remembered forever.

God, during the darkest hour you can bring hope and healing. I pray that for the parents who have lost their child. Please shine your light as we honor and remember this sweet baby who is now in your arms. Please remove any fog from our minds and heart and help us to trust that you are still good, sovereign, and that you care. You bring hope to troubled hearts. Please cast out any of our fears or worries.

Oh Lord, you know every tear that has fallen onto our cheeks. You know how painful and devastated we are at the loss of this precious child. Please help the parents to use their tears as healing and not to hold back or try to be strong on their own when it's too much to handle. Thank you that you care about every single tear drop that falls from our eyes, it is not lost on you. Help us to mourn alongside these parents, and help us to continue to trust you moving forward.

God, during times like this it's sometimes hard to believe that our needs will be taken care of. Forgive us if we've stopped trusting in the fact that you do care about us and will provide even during the loss of a life. We have watched our friends be crushed by the loss of their baby, and we pray that you will provide for them in the best way possible. Help them to fight any temptation of believing that you aren't trustworthy. We know that we can't see the whole picture and why this happened, but you can.