Prayer For Alcoholism

Dear Jesus, I am a child of God and I have the power and authority that you gave me and I will use it for the glory of you. I pray against every attack of the enemy in the lives of your children.

I come against all strongholds of alcoholism. In the name of Jesus, I rebuke the spirit of drunkenness.

I break all bondage and ties that the enemy has set up before your sons and daughters. I send back every work assigned by the devil and I say that alcoholism was a thing of the past and will be no more.

2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

Alcohol and temptation
Lord, this is not your will for your children and we want your will in our lives this day. Clean us this day from consuming alcohol. I ask that you wipe out every unclean spirit inside us.

You oh God is faithful. You will not let us be tempted beyond what we can bear.

But when we are tempted, you provide a way out so that we can endure. Lord, there is no excuses for alcoholism and I ask that you remove it from our thoughts and actions.

For everything in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, comes not from the Father but from the world.

Lord, we don't want anything of the world in us but we want the holy things of you Jesus.

We don't want to be a slave to the world but we want to be slaves to you lord. This day I proclaim holiness and I say no more of alcoholism.

Ephesians 5:18-20 And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Bind the spirit of alcohol abuse
I chase the spirit of alcohol dependence. I bind and cast out every spirit of alcohol abuse. Heavenly father, in this day of trouble I call on you.

I seek your face for righteousness in our lives and I believe that you would banish all forms of alcohol intake, in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Oh Lord Jesus, how difficult life has become due to my husbands excessive drinking of alcohol, well it is now really become alcohol addiction. Life has become so hard, almost unbearable, and his temper is at times out of control, and Lord, I am beginning to fear for our safety.

Lord, You know that this is splitting our family apart and at times I despair that this addiction to alcohol will ever be overcome. Lord, it has not only affected his moods and his increasingly uncaring attitude toward me, but it is affecting his work and I am wondering if he may actually lose his job as a result of this.

Father, it is painful to see someone You love in this pitiful state and I pray for Your guidance and strength to be able to deal with this in a way that honours You, but also for the wisdom to know what to do and how to help my husband.

Lord, I know that it may be a dangerous prayer to pray, but I ask that whatever it takes You would bring my husband to the point of desperation, where You are the only Person to Whom he can turn, as I know that only You can intervene in this addiction and return him to his normal mind.

Father, at times I feel weak and unable to cope and yet I know that Your strength is made perfect in our weakness. Lord, I know that Your grace is sufficient for me and ask that You would remain close to me, to lead and to guide, so that I would know what to do to help him overcome his alcohol addition and encourage him to turn to Jesus, in Whose name I pray,


Father, thank You for all those that are involved in helping others with their addiction to alcohol. We thank You for places like Alcoholic Anonymous and the many Christian ministries and rehab centres that are dedicated to helping men and women recover from this debilitating and distressing addiction, and showing them the love of the Lord Jesus.

Give wisdom, grace and patience to all that are serving in one capacity or another to relieve the distress and devastation that alcoholism leaves in it wake. We pray that You would give them the right words of encouragement and advice to enable those that are addicted to permanently break free of their alcoholism and so live a more meaningful and fruitful life.

We pray that You would not only rescue alcoholic men and women from the depths of despair to which many have fallen, but also that You would raise them up into a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and bring them into newness of life in Him, to His praise and glory. This we ask in Jesus' name,


Heavenly Father, I confess that I have not only hurt other people, and especially those that are close to me, but I have offended You and ignored some of the warnings that I believe were directly or indirectly sent from You. Help me I pray to break free of this ungodly addiction and get on the road to recovery.

Forgive me Lord, for I have sinned against You and ignored the clear teaching of Your Word to live soberly, righteously and in the fear of the Lord and to walk circumspectly before You, as a child of the light. But I come to You in humble submission to ask You to help me to get on the road to addiction recovery, for I know that You have promised to lift-up all who come to You out of the miry pit, even when we have foolishly dug it for ourselves.

Help me be set free from alcohol, putting on the breastplate of righteousness, and for the helmet of salvation in Christ, in Whose name I pray,


Father, I confess that I have allowed myself to become addicted to alcohol, and it is to my shame and sadness that my life is simply spiralling out of control. Lord, I know that in and of myself I am not able to break free of this destructive habit and ask that in Your grace and mercy You would help me to be set free of this ungodly addiction. I ask this simple, yet difficult prayer in the name of Jesus,


Dear Lord Jesus, we come to You in deep pain and sadness for those we know who are suffering in one way of another due to alcohol abuse. Both those that have been ensnared in their own excessive alcohol addiction and also those that are badly affected by the alcoholic abuse of someone else, a spouse, a parent, a child or a friend.

We know that You love and care for each and every addict and desire that they break free from their addiction. Remind them that Jesus died and rose again so that the power of sin and bondage to all forms of addiction might become ineffective in the life that is focused on the Lord Jesus.

We lift up all those we know who are suffering in any way, due to alcoholic abuse and addiction, especially those that we know personally, and pray that in Your grace and mercy You would do a great work in their lives, enabling those in bondage to break free of their debilitating addiction and those affected by the alcoholism of others to be kept our of harms way. May all come to a saving faith in Jesus and begin to enjoy a close walk with Him. In Jesus' name,


Dear Father God, in a world where many people are struggling to overcome the curse of alcoholic addiction, we lift up all those that have been ensnared by this ungodly dependence on drink, which has too often been the root cause of many ruined lives and numerous dysfunctional families.

We pray that in Your grace and pity You would come alongside these alcoholic sufferers who have this serious dependency on alcohol and ask that You would create in them a dislike anddistainfor all forms of alcoholic drinks

Lord, You died for each one on the cross for each one is lost and en-route for eternal separation from You, if they do not turn away from their dependency on drink to depend on Christ as Saviour andLordwe know that in Your power and strength You have all that is needed for each and every sufferer to be set free from this alcoholic dependency.

We pray that in Your grace You would draw many out of this slavery to drink and give them new dependency - trust in Jesus, Who died for all who would believe on His name.. and in Whose name we pray,


Heavenly Father, so many people have fallen into the devastating, downward spiral of alcoholism, and yet in Your grace and mercy we see so many that are being freed from their addiction to alcohol and many more that are coming to faith the Lord Jesus Christ, as a result of a crisis point in their lives, which has so often taken them to the depths of despair.
Thank You, Lord, for all who have been rescued from alcoholism and for those that have supported them through it. We know that the enemy comes to steal and to kill and to destroy men and women, by enticing them into a life of alcoholism and other evil addictions, but we thank and praise You that Jesus came to destroy the works of the evil one and promised to give life abundantly, to all who trust in Christ as Saviour.
We thank You for all those who are currently being helped to leave their life of alcohol addiction behind, and we pray that each one will come to a saving knowledge of Christ. This we ask in Jesus' name,