Prayer For A Good Weekend

Bless the strangers
I meet today, Lord;
in caf, bakery,
bus stop, car park,
crowded street.
Their lives a mystery,
sorrows, joys, loves
and deep concerns
so well disguised.
But bless them, Lord,
these unknown faces,
make this day
one of encounter,
not only with strangers
but also with you.

Lord, bless our journey
through this coming week.
May the pace be steady,
paths made safe,
no obstacles impede,
and conversations
with fellow travellers
be fruitful and uplifting.
Lord, bless our journey
through this coming week.

God bless you in rising,
through dawn chorus
and cheerfulness.
God bless you in working,
through honest toil
and service.
God bless you in sharing,
through spoken word
and embracing.
God bless you in resting,
through peaceful sleep
and protection.

For those struggling
on their journey, Lord,
offer your steady hand
over the rough terrain
they are facing today,
and let them drink
of your living water,
pure and refreshing,
soothing, restoring
the weariest of souls.

Bless the work we do,
the words we say,
the love we share
and the grace we show,
on our daily walk
through this beautiful
and precious world.

As we make our way,
often wearily, to work,
or hop into the car
and do the weekly shop,
we think of those
who through the night
while we were asleep
have stacked the shelves,
made safe the roads,
transported goods,
kept factories running,
cared for the sick and dying.
Bless them with the rest
that they deserve and need,
and may we be thankful
for the work they do
that makes our lives
each day a little easier.

Dear Master of Universe

We thank you for the week which ends today

We thank you for all the blessings and challenges

We look forward Lord for your guidance and protection over the weekend

During the weekend keep us close to you.

Guide us and protect us

All our activities we engage in should be for your glory.

We pray for your blessing in preparing for next week

We pray for the grace to make us understand the lessons of last week so that we can use them in planning for next week.

Remind us to find some time to thank you and praise you

As without you the weekend will not be there.

We pray for blessing over this weekend to promote activities which enhance the standard of life of our neighbours.

Enhance the love of our neighbours over this weekend.

We pray for the resources to help those in problems so that they can have a smile on their face.

There are many problems in this world pushing us to our knees and Lord , we can overcome them through your protection.

We pray that you extend your hand of friendship to pull us out of our current problems.

Father, thank You for this Friday. Thank You for seeing us through another work week and bringing us to the weekend. Father, we pray that this weekend will be filled with rest, refreshment, and quiet time with You. Our lives can seem so overwhelming and confusing, but we know that You are there by our side always.

Lord, thank You for guiding our path. We know that You are doing 10,000 things in our lives, even if we are only aware of a few of them. Lord, help us recognize Your Spirit. Bring us deeper into a knowledge of You, so that even in times of adversity, we can rest in the knowledge that You are with us.

Holy Spirit, please wash us with Your love. We repent of our sins, and we pray for help to do better in time. We rejoice that You are forgiving and full of such a grace that ushers us forth into freedom. Our times and our days rest in Your hands, and we know that even in anguish, You have a plan for our benefit and the glorification of the kingdom. Help us to trust You in such times and be filled with overwhelming peace.

Thank You, Lord, for this beautiful day. May we increase in You, may we come into an abundance of Your love.

In Jesus' name, Amen.