The Act of Love

Information About the Act of Love Prayer

The Act of Love is a traditional Catholic prayer based on Matthew 22:37-39. In this discourse, Jesus explains the "two greatest commandments": to love God and love neighbor (others in our lives). Traditionally, the word "love" used in this passage is often translated as "charity," because in English the word "love" has such a broad meaning. In Greek, the word used here is agape, which means a selfless and unconditional love that is not given based on the merit of the person being loved. This is how God loves us.

Women sitting next to child by David Bennett


Act of Love

O Lord God,

I love You above all things,

And I love my neighbor for Your sake, because You are the highest, infinite and perfect good worthy of all my love.

In this love I intend to live and die.



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Updated 08-03-2018