Prayer For Abused Child

Your love surrounds me when my thoughts wage war
When night screams terror, there Your voice will roar
Come death or shadow, God I know Your light will meet me there
When fear comes knocking, there You'll be my guard
When day breeds trouble, there You'll hold my heart
Come storm or battle, God I know Your peace will meet me there
Again and again
Oh, be still my heart
I know that You are God.

I have been praying for 8 years for the Lord to remove my daughter's father or change his selfish and cruel ways but neither has happened and my daughter suffers. Please pray for the Lord to remove him or change him in the name of jesus so my daughter will not be hurt by him anymore. please God. Please!

God of endless love,
ever caring, ever strong,
always present, always just:
You gave your only Son
to save us by the blood of his cross.

Gentle Jesus, shepherd of peace,
join to your own suffering
the pain of all who have been hurt
in body, mind, and spirit
by those who betrayed the trust placed in them.

Hear the cries of our brothers and sisters
who have been gravely harmed,
and the cries of those who love them.
Soothe their restless hearts with hope,
steady their shaken spirits with faith.
Grant them justice for their cause,
enlightened by your truth.

Holy Spirit, comforter of hearts,
heal your people's wounds
and transform brokenness into wholeness.
Grant us the courage and wisdom,
humility and grace, to act with justice.
Breathe wisdom into our prayers and labors.
Grant that all harmed by abuse may find peace in justice.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Dear God,
we ask you to help all those who suffer from abuse. Help them find healing and peace in their life. May Maria Goretti who was strengthened by Your Grace join with us in prayer for healing of all victims of abuse, particularly those abused as children or young adults. Grant us your Love that we might reach out to them in Your Name with hope in times of trial. As Maria prayed for her attacker, grant us the grace to pray for the true conversion of all involved with the abuse, that they might seek Your Mercy through prayer and penance. Loving God, pour into our hearts and lives your healing Spirit, that the sacredness of every human person might be respected and protected as the precious image of God. Help us to live in the peace which Maria Goretti had found in Christ and in the love of his mother Mary.
We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.

Bills like the Trafficking Victims Protection Act and continued funding for programs to fight child labor provided by the International Labor Affairs Bureau are just some of the ways that the U.S. government can take the lead and pursue holistic solutions to end violence against children. Pray for bipartisan leadership on child protection issues through the introduction and implementation of laws to end violence. Also, protect these bills from being held up without compromising their strength and effectiveness.

Thank you, God, for leaders that care about protecting children. Continue to guide them toward bipartisan legislation that will bring us closer to a world without violence. Specifically, we ask for the continued funding for programs working to end violence against children and for the passage and reauthorization of bills like the Trafficking Victims Protection Act. Amen.

Lord, You are our provider, and we know all good things come from Your hand. Help families to find reliable incomes so children don't have to work. We pray that laws and cultural practices would help protect children from a childhood of abuse and suffering.

Dear Lord, Your Word calls us to hunger and thirst for righteousness a righteousness that leads to compassion for the poor and a renewing of minds. Lead us to this kind of faith that works to make a better world for all Your children.

Dear Lord, Your Word is filled with accounts of miraculous protection. We claim that power for vulnerable children. Make Your little ones invisible to people who seek to exploit them. Whisper in the ears of the children to run and hide until the danger passes.