Healing Novena to Christ the Great Physician
We know that there is one physician: Both flesh and spirit uncreated, yet born God in man
True life in death
From both Mary and from God
Subject to suffering and then impassible Jesus Christ our Lord!*
We ask O Great Physician, for spiritual, physical, and emotional healing, especially my intention of ______. You of both flesh and spirit.
May we spend all of our days in your healing presence, You the eternal Son born for us.
Grant us the healing benefits of your Incarnation, Death, and Resurrection, You who are true God and true man.
Grant us your true life in the midst of death, You, the true life in death.
Grant us to follow your example and that of your Blessed Mother, You, from both Mary and from God.
May our suffering be for our growth; free us, we pray, from that which we cannot bear, We ask You, O God the Word who became man to suffer.
We ask you to grant us this healing if it brings us closer to you, Jesus Christ our Lord!
*Adapted from the Letter of Saint Ignatius to the Ephesians, VII.
Note: This novena can be used individually or with a group. The bolded responses should be said even by individuals. A novena is a method of continual and fervent prayer, usually lasting for a period of nine days, but sometimes nine months. Novenas are excellent prayer tools, and we employ them frequently. However, the Church emphasizes that we must not attach a superstitious power to the number nine. A novena is simply a method of determined prayer.
Updated 08-13-2018